Source code for pynpoint.util.module

Functions for Pypeline modules.

import sys
import time
import math
import cmath
import warnings

from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

# The following is needed to avoid circular dependencies:
# The PypelineModule uses methods from, but  methods in this file also use PypelineModule
# for their type hints. If we were to simply import the PypelineModule class here, this circular
# dependency would lead to an ImportError at runtime. By using the TYPE_CHECKING flag, we can avoid
# this: because TYPE_CHECKING is always False at runtime, there are no ImportErrors, while the
# PypelineModule is still available for static type checkers (i.e., not for the typeguard library).
# In Python 3.7, this problem can be circumvented more elegantly by using:
#   >>> from __future__ import annotations
# This changes the behavior of type hints such that they are no longer evaluated at definition time,
# see also PEP 563. In Python 4.0, this is supposed to become the new default behavior.
    from pynpoint.core.processing import PypelineModule

[docs]@typechecked def progress(current: int, total: int, message: str, start_time: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """ Function to show and update the progress as standard output. Parameters ---------- current : int Current index. total : int Total index number. message : str Message that is printed. start_time : float, None, optional Start time in seconds. Not used if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ @typechecked def time_string(delta_time: float) -> str: """ Converts to input time in seconds to a string which displays as hh:mm:ss. Parameters ---------- delta_time : float Input time in seconds. Returns ------- str: String with the formatted time. """ hours = int(delta_time / 3600.) minutes = int((delta_time % 3600.) / 60.) seconds = int(delta_time % 60.) return f'{hours:>02}:{minutes:>02}:{seconds:>02}' fraction = float(current) / float(total) percentage = 100.*fraction if start_time is None: sys.stdout.write(f'\r{message} {percentage:4.1f}% \r') else: if fraction > 0. and current+1 != total: time_taken = time.time() - start_time time_left = time_taken / fraction * (1. - fraction) sys.stdout.write(f'{message} {percentage:4.1f}% - ETA: {time_string(time_left)}\r') if current+1 == total: sys.stdout.write((29 + len(message)) * ' ' + '\r') sys.stdout.write(message+' [DONE]\n') sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]@typechecked def memory_frames(memory: Union[int, np.int64], nimages: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to subdivide the input images is in quantities of MEMORY. Parameters ---------- memory : int Number of images that is simultaneously loaded into the memory. nimages : int Number of images in the stack. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array with the indices where a stack of images is subdivided. """ if memory == 0 or memory >= nimages: frames = np.asarray([0, nimages]) else: frames = np.linspace(start=0, stop=nimages - nimages % memory, num=int(float(nimages)/float(memory))+1, endpoint=True, dtype=np.int64) if nimages % memory > 0: frames = np.append(frames, nimages) return frames
[docs]@typechecked def angle_average(angles: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Function to calculate the average value of a list of angles. Parameters ---------- angles : numpy.ndarray Parallactic angles (deg). Returns ------- float Average angle (deg). """ cmath_rect = sum(cmath.rect(1, math.radians(ang)) for ang in angles) cmath_phase = cmath.phase(cmath_rect/len(angles)) return math.degrees(cmath_phase)
[docs]@typechecked def angle_difference(angle_1: float, angle_2: float) -> float: """ Function to calculate the difference between two angles. Parameters ---------- angle_1 : float First angle (deg). angle_2 : float Second angle (deg). Returns ------- float Angle difference (deg). """ angle_diff = (angle_1-angle_2) % 360. if angle_diff >= 180.: angle_diff -= 360. return angle_diff
[docs]@typechecked def stack_angles(memory: Union[int, np.int64], parang: np.ndarray, max_rotation: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to subdivide the input images is in quantities of MEMORY with a restriction on the maximum field rotation across a subset of images. Parameters ---------- memory : int Number of images that is simultaneously loaded into the memory. parang : numpy.ndarray Parallactic angles (deg). max_rotation : float Maximum field rotation (deg). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array with the indices where a stack of images is subdivided. """ warnings.warn('Testing of util.module.stack_angles has been limited, please use carefully.') nimages = parang.size if memory == 0 or memory >= nimages: frames = [0, nimages] else: frames = [0, ] parang_start = parang[0] im_count = 0 for i in range(1, parang.size): abs_start_diff = abs(angle_difference(parang_start, parang[i-1])) abs_current_diff = abs(angle_difference(parang[i], parang[i-1])) if abs_start_diff > max_rotation or abs_current_diff > max_rotation: frames.append(i) parang_start = parang[i] im_count = 0 else: im_count += 1 if im_count == memory: frames.append(i) if i < parang.size-1: parang_start = parang[i+1] im_count = 0 if frames[-1] != nimages: frames.append(nimages) return np.asarray(frames)
[docs]@typechecked def update_arguments(index: int, nimages: int, args_in: Optional[tuple]) -> Optional[tuple]: """ Function to update the arguments of an input function. Specifically, arguments which contain an array with the first dimension equal in size to the total number of images will be substituted by the array element of the image index. Parameters ---------- index : int Image index in the stack. nimages : int Total number of images in the stack. args_in : tuple, None Function arguments that have to be updated. Returns ------- tuple, None Updated function arguments. """ if args_in is None: args_out = None else: args_out = [] for item in args_in: if isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and item.shape[0] == nimages: args_out.append(item[index]) else: args_out.append(item) args_out = tuple(args_out) return args_out
# This function *cannot* be decorated with @typechecked, because the typeguard library checks type # hints at *runtime*, when PypelineModule is not available without causing circular dependencies.
[docs]def module_info(pipeline_module: 'PypelineModule') -> None: """ Function to print the module name. Parameters ---------- pipeline_module : PypelineModule Pipeline module. Returns ------- NoneType None """ module_name = type(pipeline_module).__name__ str_length = len(module_name) print('\n' + str_length * '-') print(module_name) print(str_length * '-' + '\n') print(f'Module name: {pipeline_module._m_name}')
# This function *cannot* be decorated with @typechecked, because the typeguard library checks type # hints at *runtime*, when PypelineModule is not available without causing circular dependencies.
[docs]def input_info(pipeline_module: 'PypelineModule') -> None: """ Function to print information about the input data. Parameters ---------- pipeline_module : PypelineModule Pipeline module. Returns ------- NoneType None """ input_ports = list(pipeline_module._m_input_ports.keys()) if len(input_ports) == 1: input_shape = pipeline_module._m_input_ports[input_ports[0]].get_shape() print(f'Input port: {input_ports[0]} {input_shape}') else: print('Input ports:', end='') for i, item in enumerate(input_ports): input_shape = pipeline_module._m_input_ports[input_ports[i]].get_shape() if i < len(input_ports) - 1: print(f' {item} {input_shape},', end='') else: print(f' {item} {input_shape}')
# This function *cannot* be decorated with @typechecked, because the typeguard library checks type # hints at *runtime*, when PypelineModule is not available without causing circular dependencies.
[docs]def output_info(pipeline_module: 'PypelineModule', output_shape: Dict[str, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> None: """ Function to print information about the output data. Parameters ---------- pipeline_module : PypelineModule Pipeline module. output_shape : dict Dictionary with the output dataset names and shapes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ output_ports = list(pipeline_module._m_output_ports.keys()) if len(output_ports) == 1: if output_ports[0][:11] != 'fits_header': print(f'Output port: {output_ports[0]} {output_shape[output_ports[0]]}') else: print('Output ports:', end='') for i, item in enumerate(output_ports): if i < len(output_ports) - 1: print(f' {item} {output_shape[output_ports[i]]},', end='') else: print(f' {item} {output_shape[output_ports[i]]}')