Source code for pynpoint.processing.limits

Pipeline modules for estimating detection limits.

import os
import math
import time
import warnings
import multiprocessing as mp

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.processing import ProcessingModule
from pynpoint.util.image import create_mask
from pynpoint.util.limits import contrast_limit
from pynpoint.util.module import progress
from pynpoint.util.psf import pca_psf_subtraction
from pynpoint.util.residuals import combine_residuals

[docs]class ContrastCurveModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module to calculate contrast limits for a given sigma level or false positive fraction, with a correction for small sample statistics. Positions are processed in parallel if ``CPU`` is set to a value larger than 1 in the configuration file. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker, Jasper Jonker, Benedikt Schmidhuber' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, psf_in_tag: str, contrast_out_tag: str, separation: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.1, 1., 0.01), angle: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0., 360., 60.), threshold: Tuple[str, float] = ('sigma', 5.), psf_scaling: float = 1., aperture: float = 0.05, pca_number: int = 20, cent_size: Optional[float] = None, edge_size: Optional[float] = None, extra_rot: float = 0., residuals: str = 'mean', snr_inject: float = 100., **kwargs: float) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that contains the stack with images. psf_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that contains the reference PSF that is used as fake planet. Can be either a single image or a stack of images equal in size to *image_in_tag*. contrast_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that contains the separation, azimuthally averaged contrast limits, the azimuthal variance of the contrast limits, and the threshold of the false positive fraction associated with sigma. separation : tuple(float, float, float) Range of separations (arcsec) where the contrast is calculated. Should be specified as (lower limit, upper limit, step size). Apertures that fall within the mask radius or beyond the image size are removed. angle : tuple(float, float, float) Range of position angles (deg) where the contrast is calculated. Should be specified as (lower limit, upper limit, step size), measured counterclockwise with respect to the vertical image axis, i.e. East of North. threshold : tuple(str, float) Detection threshold for the contrast curve, either in terms of 'sigma' or the false positive fraction (FPF). The value is a tuple, for example provided as ('sigma', 5.) or ('fpf', 1e-6). Note that when sigma is fixed, the false positive fraction will change with separation. Also, sigma only corresponds to the standard deviation of a normal distribution at large separations (i.e., large number of samples). psf_scaling : float Additional scaling factor of the planet flux (e.g., to correct for a neutral density filter). Should have a positive value. aperture : float Aperture radius (arcsec). pca_number : int Number of principal components used for the PSF subtraction. cent_size : float, None Central mask radius (arcsec). No mask is used when set to None. edge_size : float, None Outer edge radius (arcsec) beyond which pixels are masked. No outer mask is used when set to None. If the value is larger than half the image size then it will be set to half the image size. extra_rot : float Additional rotation angle of the images in clockwise direction (deg). residuals : str Method used for combining the residuals ('mean', 'median', 'weighted', or 'clipped'). snr_inject : float Signal-to-noise ratio of the injected planet signal that is used to measure the amount of self-subtraction. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) if 'sigma' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'sigma\' parameter has been deprecated. Please use the ' '\'threshold\' parameter instead.', DeprecationWarning) if 'norm' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'norm\' parameter has been deprecated. It is not recommended to ' 'normalize the images before PSF subtraction.', DeprecationWarning) if 'accuracy' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'accuracy\' parameter has been deprecated. The parameter is no ' 'longer required.', DeprecationWarning) if 'magnitude' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'magnitude\' parameter has been deprecated. The parameter is no ' 'longer required.', DeprecationWarning) if 'ignore' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'ignore\' parameter has been deprecated. The parameter is no ' 'longer required.', DeprecationWarning) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) if psf_in_tag == image_in_tag: self.m_psf_in_port = self.m_image_in_port else: self.m_psf_in_port = self.add_input_port(psf_in_tag) self.m_contrast_out_port = self.add_output_port(contrast_out_tag) self.m_separation = separation self.m_angle = angle self.m_psf_scaling = psf_scaling self.m_threshold = threshold self.m_aperture = aperture self.m_pca_number = pca_number self.m_cent_size = cent_size self.m_edge_size = edge_size self.m_extra_rot = extra_rot self.m_residuals = residuals self.m_snr_inject = snr_inject if self.m_angle[0] < 0. or self.m_angle[0] > 360. or self.m_angle[1] < 0. or \ self.m_angle[1] > 360. or self.m_angle[2] < 0. or self.m_angle[2] > 360.: raise ValueError('The angular positions of the fake planets should lie between ' '0 deg and 360 deg.')
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. An artificial planet is injected (based on the noise level) at a given separation and position angle. The amount of self-subtraction is then determined and the contrast limit is calculated for a given sigma level or false positive fraction. A correction for small sample statistics is applied for both cases. Note that if the sigma level is fixed, the false positive fraction changes with separation, following the Student's t-distribution (see Mawet et al. 2014 for details). Returns ------- NoneType None """ images = self.m_image_in_port.get_all() psf = self.m_psf_in_port.get_all() if psf.shape[0] != 1 and psf.shape[0] != images.shape[0]: raise ValueError(f'The number of frames in psf_in_tag {psf.shape} does not match with ' f'the number of frames in image_in_tag {images.shape}. The ' f'DerotateAndStackModule can be used to average the PSF frames ' f'(without derotating) before applying the ContrastCurveModule.') cpu = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('CPU') working_place = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('WORKING_PLACE') parang = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PARANG') pixscale = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PIXSCALE') self.m_image_in_port.close_port() self.m_psf_in_port.close_port() if self.m_cent_size is not None: self.m_cent_size /= pixscale if self.m_edge_size is not None: self.m_edge_size /= pixscale self.m_aperture /= pixscale pos_r = np.arange(self.m_separation[0]/pixscale, self.m_separation[1]/pixscale, self.m_separation[2]/pixscale) pos_t = np.arange(self.m_angle[0]+self.m_extra_rot, self.m_angle[1]+self.m_extra_rot, self.m_angle[2]) if self.m_cent_size is None: index_del = np.argwhere(pos_r-self.m_aperture <= 0.) else: index_del = np.argwhere(pos_r-self.m_aperture <= self.m_cent_size) pos_r = np.delete(pos_r, index_del) if self.m_edge_size is None or self.m_edge_size > images.shape[1]/2.: index_del = np.argwhere(pos_r+self.m_aperture >= images.shape[1]/2.) else: index_del = np.argwhere(pos_r+self.m_aperture >= self.m_edge_size) pos_r = np.delete(pos_r, index_del) positions = [] for sep in pos_r: for ang in pos_t: positions.append((sep, ang)) result = [] async_results = [] # Create temporary files tmp_im_str = os.path.join(working_place, 'tmp_images.npy') tmp_psf_str = os.path.join(working_place, 'tmp_psf.npy'), images), psf) mask = create_mask(images.shape[-2:], (self.m_cent_size, self.m_edge_size)) _, im_res = pca_psf_subtraction(images=images*mask, angles=-1.*parang+self.m_extra_rot, pca_number=self.m_pca_number) noise = combine_residuals(method=self.m_residuals, res_rot=im_res) pool = mp.Pool(cpu) for pos in positions: async_results.append(pool.apply_async(contrast_limit, args=(tmp_im_str, tmp_psf_str, noise, mask, parang, self.m_psf_scaling, self.m_extra_rot, self.m_pca_number, self.m_threshold, self.m_aperture, self.m_residuals, self.m_snr_inject, pos))) pool.close() start_time = time.time() # wait for all processes to finish while mp.active_children(): # number of finished processes nfinished = sum([i.ready() for i in async_results]) progress(nfinished, len(positions), 'Calculating detection limits...', start_time) # check if new processes have finished every 5 seconds time.sleep(5) if nfinished != len(positions): print('\r ') print('\rCalculating detection limits... [DONE]') # get the results for every async_result object for item in async_results: result.append(item.get()) pool.terminate() os.remove(tmp_im_str) os.remove(tmp_psf_str) result = np.asarray(result) # Sort the results first by separation and then by angle indices = np.lexsort((result[:, 1], result[:, 0])) result = result[indices] result = result.reshape((pos_r.size, pos_t.size, 4)) result[np.isinf(result)] = np.nan mag_mean = np.nanmean(result, axis=1)[:, 2] mag_var = np.nanvar(result, axis=1)[:, 2] res_fpf = result[:, 0, 3] limits = np.column_stack((pos_r*pixscale, mag_mean, mag_var, res_fpf)) self.m_image_in_port._check_status_and_activate() self.m_contrast_out_port._check_status_and_activate() self.m_contrast_out_port.set_all(limits, data_dim=2) history = f'{self.m_threshold[0]} = {self.m_threshold[1]}' self.m_contrast_out_port.add_history('ContrastCurveModule', history) self.m_contrast_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_contrast_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class MassLimitsModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module to calculate mass limits from the contrast limits and any isochrones model grid downloaded from """ __author__ = 'Benedikt Schmidhuber, Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, contrast_in_tag: str, mass_out_tag: str, model_file: str, star_prop: dict, instr_filter: str = 'L\'') -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. contrast_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that contains the contrast curve data, as computed with the :class:`~pynpoint.processing.limits.ContrastCurveModule`. mass_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the output data containing the separation, the mass limits, and the upper and lower one sigma deviation as calculated for the azimuthal variance on the contrast limits. model_file: str Path to the file containing the model data. Must be in the same format as the grids found on Any of the isochrones files from this website can be used. star_prop : dict Dictionary containing host star properties. Must have the following keys: - ``magnitude`` - Apparent magnitude, in the same band as the `instr_filter`. - ``distance`` - Distance in parsec. - ``age`` - Age of the system in the Myr. instr_filter: str Instrument filter in the same format as listed in the `model_file`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_star_age = star_prop['age']/1000. # [Myr] self.m_star_abs = star_prop['magnitude'] - 5.*math.log10(star_prop['distance']/10.) self.m_instr_filter = instr_filter self.m_model_file = model_file if not os.path.exists(self.m_model_file): raise ValueError('The path does not appear to be an existing file. Please check the' 'path. If you are unsure about the path, pass the absolute path to the' 'model file.') self.m_contrast_in_port = self.add_input_port(contrast_in_tag) self.m_mass_out_port = self.add_output_port(mass_out_tag)
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def read_model(model_file_path: str) -> Tuple[List[float], List[np.ndarray], List[str]]: """ Reads the data from the model file and structures it. Returns an array of available model ages and a list of model data for each age. Parameters ------- model_file: str Path to the file containing the model data. Returns ------- list(float) List with all the ages from the model grid. list(np.ndarray) List with all the isochrone data, so the length is the same as the number of ages. list(str) List with all the column names from the model grid. """ # read in all the data, selecting out empty lines or '---' lines data = [] with open(model_file_path) as file: for line in file: if ('---' in line) or line == '\n': continue else: data += [list(filter(None, line.rstrip().split(' ')))] # initialize list of ages ages = [] # initialize the header header = [] # initialize a new data list, where the data is separated by age isochrones = [] k = -1 for _line in data: if '(Gyr)' in _line: # get time line ages += [float(_line[-1])] isochrones += [[]] k += 1 elif 'lg(g)' in _line: # get header line header = ['M/Ms', 'Teff(K)'] + _line[1:] else: # save the data isochrones[k] += [_line] for index, _ in enumerate(isochrones): isochrones[index] = np.array(isochrones[index], dtype=float) return ages, isochrones, header
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def interpolate_model(age_eval: np.ndarray, mag_eval: np.ndarray, filter_index: int, model_age: List[float], model_data: List[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """ Interpolates the grid based model data. Parameters ---------- age_eval : np.ndarray Age at which the system is evaluated. Must be of the same shape as `mag_eval`. mag_eval : np.ndarray Absolute magnitude for which the system is evaluated. Must be of the same shape as `age_eval`. filter_index: int Column index where the filter is located. model_age: list(float) List of ages which are given by the model. model_data: list(np.ndarray) List of arrays containing the model data. Returns ------- griddata : np.ndarray Interpolated values for the given evaluation points (age_eval, mag_eval). Has the same shape as age_eval and mag_eval. """ grid_points = np.array([]) grid_values = np.array([]) # create array of available points for age_index, age_item in enumerate(model_age): iso_mag = model_data[age_index][:, filter_index] iso_age = np.ones_like(iso_mag) * age_item iso_mass = model_data[age_index][:, 0] grid_points = np.append(grid_points, np.column_stack((iso_age, iso_mag))) grid_values = np.append(grid_values, iso_mass) grid_points = grid_points.reshape(-1, 2) interp = np.column_stack((age_eval, mag_eval)) return griddata(grid_points, grid_values, interp, method='cubic', rescale=True)
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Calculates the mass limits from the contrast limits (as calculated with the :class:`~pynpoint.processing.limits.ContrastCurveModule`) and the isochrones of an evolutionary model. The age and the absolute magnitude of the isochrones are linearly interpolated such that the mass limits can be calculated for a given contrast limits (which is converted in an absolute magnitude with the apparent magnitude and distance of the central star). Returns ------- NoneType None """ model_age, model_data, model_header = self.read_model(self.m_model_file) assert self.m_instr_filter in model_header, 'The selected filter was not found in the ' \ 'list of available filters from the model.' # find the column index of the filter # simple argwhere gives empty list?! filter_index = np.argwhere([self.m_instr_filter == j for j in model_header])[0] filter_index = int(filter_index) contrast_data = self.m_contrast_in_port.get_all() separation = contrast_data[:, 0] contrast = contrast_data[:, 1] contrast_std = np.sqrt(contrast_data[:, 2]) age_eval = self.m_star_age*np.ones_like(contrast) mag_eval = self.m_star_abs+contrast print('Interpolating isochrones...', end='') mass = self.interpolate_model(age_eval=age_eval, mag_eval=mag_eval, filter_index=filter_index, model_age=model_age, model_data=model_data) mass_upper = self.interpolate_model(age_eval=age_eval, mag_eval=mag_eval-contrast_std, filter_index=filter_index, model_age=model_age, model_data=model_data) - mass mass_lower = self.interpolate_model(age_eval=age_eval, mag_eval=mag_eval+contrast_std, filter_index=filter_index, model_age=model_age, model_data=model_data) - mass mass_limits = np.column_stack((separation, mass, mass_upper, mass_lower)) self.m_mass_out_port.set_all(mass_limits, data_dim=2) print(' [DONE]') history = f'filter = {self.m_instr_filter}' self.m_mass_out_port.add_history('MassLimitsModule', history) self.m_mass_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_contrast_in_port) self.m_mass_out_port.close_port()