

Questions can be directed to Tomas Stolker (stolker@strw.leidenuniv.nl) and Markus Bonse (mbonse@phys.ethz.ch), who have been the main developers during the recent years.


If you use PynPoint in your publication then please cite Stolker et al. (2019). Please also cite Amara & Quanz (2012) as the origin of PynPoint, which focused initially on the use of principal component analysis (PCA) as a PSF subtraction method. In case you use specifically the PCA-based background subtraction module or the wavelet based speckle suppression module, please give credit to Hunziker et al. (2018) or Bonse et al. (preprint), respectively.


We would like to thank those who have provided contributions to PynPoint.

The PynPoint logo was designed by Atlas Interactive and is available for use in presentations.