Source code for pynpoint.core.dataio

Modules for accessing data and attributes in the central database.

import os
import warnings

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import h5py
import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.util.type_aliases import NonStaticAttribute, StaticAttribute

[docs]class DataStorage: """ Instances of DataStorage manage to open and close the Pypeline HDF5 databases. They have an internal h5py data bank (self.m_data_bank) which gives direct access to the data if the storage is open (self.m_open == True). """ @typechecked def __init__(self, location_in: str) -> None: """ Constructor of a DataStorage instance. It needs the location of the HDF5 file (Pypeline database) as input. If the file already exists it is opened and extended, if not a new File will be created. Parameters ---------- location_in : str Location (directory + filename) of the HDF5 database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ assert (os.path.isdir(os.path.split(location_in)[0])), 'Input directory for DataStorage ' \ 'does not exist - input requested:'\ ' %s.' % location_in self._m_location = location_in self.m_data_bank = None self.m_open = False
[docs] @typechecked def open_connection(self) -> None: """ Opens the connection to the HDF5 file by opening an old file or creating a new one. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if not self.m_open: self.m_data_bank = h5py.File(self._m_location, mode='a') self.m_open = True
[docs] @typechecked def close_connection(self) -> None: """ Closes the connection to the HDF5 file. All entries of the data bank will be stored on the hard drive and the memory is cleaned. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self.m_open: self.m_data_bank.close() self.m_data_bank = None self.m_open = False
[docs]class Port(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract interface and implementation of common functionality of the InputPort, OutputPort, and ConfigPort. Each Port has a internal tag which is its key to a dataset in the DataStorage. If for example data is stored under the entry ``im_arr`` in the central data storage only a port with the tag (``self._m_tag = im_arr``) can access and change that data. A port knows exactly one DataStorage instance, whether it is active or not (``self._m_data_base_active``). """ @abstractmethod @typechecked def __init__(self, tag: str, data_storage_in: Optional[DataStorage] = None) -> None: """ Abstract constructor of a Port. As input the tag / key is expected which is needed to build the connection to the database entry with the same tag / key. It is possible to give the Port a DataStorage. If this storage is not given the Pypeline module has to set it or the connection needs to be added manually using :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.Port.set_database_connection`. Parameters ---------- tag : str Input Tag. data_storage_in : pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage The data storage to which the port is connected. Returns ------- NoneType None """ assert isinstance(tag, str), 'Port tag needs to be a string.' self._m_tag = tag self._m_data_storage = data_storage_in self._m_data_base_active = False @property @typechecked def tag(self) -> str: """ Getter for the internal tag (no setter). Returns ------- str Database tag name. """ return self._m_tag
[docs] @typechecked def open_port(self) -> None: """ Opens the connection to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage` and activates its data bank. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if not self._m_data_base_active: self._m_data_storage.open_connection() self._m_data_base_active = True
[docs] @typechecked def close_port(self) -> None: """ Closes the connection to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage` and forces it to save the data to the hard drive. All data that was accessed using the port is cleaned from the memory. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._m_data_base_active: self._m_data_storage.close_connection() self._m_data_base_active = False
[docs] @typechecked def set_database_connection(self, data_base_in: DataStorage) -> None: """ Sets the internal DataStorage instance. Parameters ---------- data_base_in: pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage The input DataStorage. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self._m_data_storage = data_base_in
[docs]class ConfigPort(Port): """ ConfigPort can be used to read the 'config' tag from a (HDF5) database. This tag contains the central settings used by PynPoint, as well as the relevant FITS header keywords. You can use a ConfigPort instance to access a single attribute of the dataset using get_attribute(). """ @typechecked def __init__(self, tag: str, data_storage_in: Optional[DataStorage] = None) -> None: """ Constructor of the ConfigPort class which creates the config port instance which can read the settings stored in the central database under the tag `config`. An instance of the ConfigPort is created in the constructor of PypelineModule such that the attributes in the ConfigPort can be accessed from within all type of modules. For example: .. code-block:: python memory = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY') Parameters ---------- tag : str The tag name of the port. The port can be used to get data from the dataset with the key `config`. data_storage_in : pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage The input DataStorage. It is possible to give the constructor of an ConfigPort a DataStorage instance which will link the port to that DataStorage. Usually the DataStorage is set later by calling :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.Port.set_database_connection`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(tag, data_storage_in) if tag != 'config': raise ValueError('The tag name of the central configuration should be \'config\'.') @typechecked def _check_status_and_activate(self) -> bool: """ Internal function which checks if the ConfigPort is ready to use and open it. Returns ------- bool Returns True if the ConfigPort can be used, False if not. """ if self._m_data_storage is None: warnings.warn('ConfigPort can not load data unless a database is connected.') status = False else: if not self._m_data_base_active: self.open_port() status = True return status @typechecked def _check_if_data_exists(self) -> bool: """ Internal function which checks if data exists for the 'config' tag. Returns ------- bool Returns True if data exists, False if not. """ return 'config' in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank @typechecked def _check_error_cases(self) -> bool: """' Internal function which checks the error cases. """ if not self._check_status_and_activate(): status = False elif self._check_if_data_exists() is False: warnings.warn('No data under the tag which is linked by the ConfigPort.') status = False else: status = True return status
[docs] @typechecked def get_attribute(self, name: str) -> Optional[StaticAttribute]: """ Returns a static attribute which is connected to the dataset of the ConfigPort. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the attribute. Returns ------- str, float, or int The attribute value. Returns None if the attribute does not exist. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): attr_val = None elif name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank['config'].attrs: attr_val = self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank['config'].attrs[name] else: warnings.warn(f'The attribute \'{name}\' was not found.') attr_val = None # Convert numpy types to base types (e.g., np.float64 -> float) if isinstance(attr_val, np.generic): attr_val = attr_val.item() return attr_val
[docs]class InputPort(Port): """ InputPorts can be used to read datasets with a specific tag from the HDF5 database. This type of port can be used to access: * A complete dataset using the get_all() method. * A single attribute of the dataset using get_attribute(). * All attributes of the dataset using get_all_static_attributes() and get_all_non_static_attributes(). * A part of a dataset using slicing. For example: .. code-block:: python in_port = InputPort('tag') data = in_port[0, :, :] # returns the first 2D image of a 3D image stack. (More information about how 1D, 2D, and 3D data is organized can be found in the documentation of OutputPort (:func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.append` and :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.set_all`) InputPorts can load two types of attributes which give additional information about a dataset the port is linked to: * Static attributes: contain global information about a dataset which is not changing through a dataset in the database (e.g. the instrument name or pixel scale). * Non-static attributes: contain information which changes for different parts of the dataset (e.g. the parallactic angles or dithering positions). """ @typechecked def __init__(self, tag: str, data_storage_in: Optional[DataStorage] = None) -> None: """ Constructor of InputPort. An input port can read data from the central database under the key `tag`. Instances of InputPort should not be created manually inside a PypelineModule but should be created with the add_input_port() function. Parameters ---------- tag : str The tag of the port. The port can be used in order to get data from the dataset with the key `tag`. data_storage_in : pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage It is possible to give the constructor of an InputPort a DataStorage instance which will link the port to that DataStorage. Usually the DataStorage is set later by calling :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.Port.set_database_connection`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(tag, data_storage_in) if tag == 'config': raise ValueError('The tag name \'config\' is reserved for the central configuration ' 'of PynPoint.') if tag == 'fits_header': raise ValueError('The tag name \'fits_header\' is reserved for storage of the FITS ' 'headers.') @typechecked def _check_status_and_activate(self) -> bool: """ Internal function which checks if the InputPort is ready to use and open it. Returns ------- bool Returns True if the InputPort can be used, False if not. """ if self._m_data_storage is None: warnings.warn('InputPort can not load data unless a database is connected.') status = False else: status = True if not self._m_data_base_active: self.open_port() return status @typechecked def _check_if_data_exists(self) -> bool: """ Internal function which checks if data exists for the Port specific tag. Returns ------- bool Returns True if data exists, False if not. """ return self._m_tag in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank @typechecked def _check_error_cases(self) -> bool: if not self._check_status_and_activate(): status = False elif self._check_if_data_exists() is False: warnings.warn('No data under the tag which is linked by the InputPort.') status = False else: status = True return status @typechecked def __getitem__(self, item: Union[slice, int, tuple]) -> Optional[Union[StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute]]: """ Internal function which handles the data access using slicing. See class documentation for a example (:class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort`). None if the data does not exist. Parameters ---------- item : tuple Slicing parameter. Returns ------- StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute, None The selected data. Returns None if no data exists under the tag of thePort. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): data = None else: data = self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag][item] return data
[docs] @typechecked def get_shape(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Returns the shape of the dataset the port is linked to. This can be useful if you need the shape without loading the whole data. Returns ------- tuple(int, ) Shape of the dataset. Returns None if the dataset does not exist. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): data_shape = None else: self.open_port() data_shape = self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].shape return data_shape
[docs] @typechecked def get_ndim(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns the number of dimensions of the dataset the port is linked to. Returns ------- int Number of dimensions of the dataset. Returns None if the dataset does not exist. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): ndim = None else: self.open_port() ndim = self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].ndim return ndim
[docs] @typechecked def get_all(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Returns the whole dataset stored in the data bank under the tag of the Port. Be careful using this function for loading large datasets. The data type is inferred from the data with numpy.asarray. A 32 bit array will be returned in case the input data is a combination of float32 and float64 arrays. Returns ------- np.ndarray The full dataset. Returns None if the data does not exist. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): data = None else: data = np.asarray(self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag][...]) return data
[docs] @typechecked def get_attribute(self, name: str) -> Optional[Union[StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute]]: """ Returns an attribute which is connected to the dataset of the port. The function can return static and non-static attributes (static attributes have priority). More information about static and non-static attributes can be found in the class documentation of :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort`. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the attribute. Returns ------- StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute, None The attribute value. Returns None if the attribute does not exist. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): attr_val = None else: if name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs: # static attribute attr_val = self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs[name] elif 'header_' + self._m_tag + '/' + name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: # non-static attribute attribute = 'header_' + self._m_tag + '/' + name attr_val = np.asarray(self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[attribute][...]) else: warnings.warn(f'The attribute \'{name}\' was not found.') attr_val = None # Convert numpy types to base types (e.g., np.float64 -> float) if isinstance(attr_val, np.generic): attr_val = attr_val.item() return attr_val
[docs] @typechecked def get_all_static_attributes(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, StaticAttribute]]: """ Get all static attributes of the dataset which are linked to the Port tag. Returns ------- dict, None Dictionary of all attributes, as `{attr_name:attr_value}`. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): attr_dict = None else: attr_dict = dict(self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs) return attr_dict
[docs] @typechecked def get_all_non_static_attributes(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ Returns a list of all non-static attribute keys. More information about static and non-static attributes can be found in the class documentation of :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort`. Returns ------- list(str, ), None List of all existing non-static attribute keys. """ if not self._check_error_cases(): attr_key = None else: attr_key = [] if 'header_' + self._m_tag + '/' in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: for key in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank['header_' + self._m_tag + '/']: attr_key.append(key) else: attr_key = None return attr_key
[docs]class OutputPort(Port): """ Output ports can be used to save results under a given tag to the HDF5 DataStorage. An instance of OutputPort with self.tag=`tag` can store data under the key `tag` by using one of the following methods: * set_all(...) - replaces and sets the whole dataset * append(...) - appends data to the existing data set. For more information see function documentation (:func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.append`). * slicing - sets a part of the actual dataset. Example: .. code-block:: python out_port = OutputPort('Some_tag') data = np.ones(200, 200) # 2D image filled with ones out_port[0,:,:] = data # Sets the first 2D image of a 3D image stack * add_attribute(...) - modifies or creates a attribute of the dataset * del_attribute(...) - deletes a attribute * del_all_attributes(...) - deletes all attributes * append_attribute_data(...) - appends information to non-static attributes. See add_attribute() (:func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.add_attribute`) for more information about static and non-static attributes. * check_static_attribute(...) - checks if a static attribute exists and if it is equal to a given value * other functions listed below For more information about how data is organized inside the central database have a look at the function documentation of the function :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.set_all` and :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.append`. Furthermore it is possible to deactivate a OutputPort to stop him saving data. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, tag: str, data_storage_in: Optional[DataStorage] = None, activate_init: bool = True) -> None: """ Constructor of the OutputPort class which creates an output port instance which can write data to the the central database under the tag `tag`. If you write a PypelineModule you should not create instances manually! Use the add_output_port() function instead. Parameters ---------- tag : str The tag of the port. The port can be used in order to write data to the dataset with the key = `tag`. data_storage_in : pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage It is possible to give the constructor of an OutputPort a DataStorage instance which will link the port to that DataStorage. Usually the DataStorage is set later by calling :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.Port.set_database_connection`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(tag, data_storage_in) self.m_activate = activate_init if tag == 'config': raise ValueError('The tag name \'config\' is reserved for the central configuration ' 'of PynPoint.') if tag == 'fits_header': raise ValueError('The tag name \'fits_header\' is reserved for storage of the FITS ' 'headers.') @typechecked def _check_status_and_activate(self) -> bool: """ Internal function which checks if the OutputPort is ready to use and open it. Returns ------- :return: Returns True if the OutputPort can be used, False if not. :rtype: bool """ if not self.m_activate: status = False elif self._m_data_storage is None: warnings.warn('OutputPort can not store data unless a database is connected.') status = False else: if not self._m_data_base_active: self.open_port() status = True return status @typechecked def _init_dataset(self, first_data: Union[np.ndarray, list], tag: str, data_dim: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Internal function which is used to initialize a dataset in the HDF5 database. Parameters ---------- first_data : np.ndarray, list The initial data. tag : str Database tag. data_dim : int, None Number of dimensions. The dimensions of ``first_data`` is used if set to ``None``. Returns ------- NoneType None """ @typechecked def _ndim_check(data_dim: int, first_dim: int) -> None: if first_dim > 5 or first_dim < 1: raise ValueError('Output port can only save numpy arrays from 1D to 5D. Use Port ' 'attributes to save as int, float, or string.') if data_dim > 5 or data_dim < 1: raise ValueError('The data dimensions should be 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, or 5D.') if data_dim < first_dim: raise ValueError('The dimensions of the data should be equal to or larger than the ' 'dimensions of the input data.') if data_dim == 3 and first_dim == 1: raise ValueError('Cannot initialize 1D data in 3D data container.') first_data = np.asarray(first_data) if data_dim is None: data_dim = first_data.ndim _ndim_check(data_dim, first_data.ndim) if data_dim == first_data.ndim: if first_data.ndim == 1: # 1D data_shape = (None, ) elif first_data.ndim == 2: # 2D data_shape = (None, first_data.shape[1]) elif first_data.ndim == 3: # 3D data_shape = (None, first_data.shape[1], first_data.shape[2]) elif first_data.ndim == 4: # 4D data_shape = (first_data.shape[0], None, first_data.shape[2], first_data.shape[3]) elif first_data.ndim == 5: # 5D data_shape = (first_data.shape[0], first_data.shape[1], first_data.shape[2], first_data.shape[3], first_data.shape[4]) else: if data_dim == 2: # 1D -> 2D data_shape = (None, first_data.shape[0]) first_data = first_data[np.newaxis, :] elif data_dim == 3: # 2D -> 3D data_shape = (None, first_data.shape[0], first_data.shape[1]) first_data = first_data[np.newaxis, :, :] elif data_dim == 4: # 3D -> 4D data_shape = (first_data.shape[0], None, first_data.shape[1], first_data.shape[2]) first_data = first_data[:, np.newaxis, :, :] if first_data.size == 0: warnings.warn(f'The new dataset that is stored under the tag name \'{tag}\' is empty.') else: if isinstance(first_data[0], str): first_data = np.array(first_data, dtype='|S') self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank.create_dataset(tag, data=first_data, maxshape=data_shape) @typechecked def _set_all_key(self, tag: str, data: np.ndarray, data_dim: Optional[int] = None, keep_attributes: bool = False) -> None: """ Internal function which sets the values of a dataset under the *tag* name in the database. If old data exists it will be overwritten. This function is used by :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.set_all` and for setting non-static attributes. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag of the data that will be modified. data : np.ndarray The data that will be stored and replace any old data. data_dim : int Number of dimension of the data. keep_attributes : bool Keep all static attributes of the dataset if set to True. Non-static attributes will be kept anyway so not needed for setting non-static attributes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ tmp_attributes = {} # check if database entry is new... if tag in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: # NO -> database entry exists if keep_attributes: # we have to copy all attributes since deepcopy is not supported for key, value in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag].attrs.items(): tmp_attributes[key] = value # remove database entry del self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag] # make new database entry self._init_dataset(data, tag, data_dim=data_dim) if keep_attributes: for key, value in tmp_attributes.items(): self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag].attrs[key] = value @typechecked def _append_key(self, tag: str, data: Union[np.ndarray, list], data_dim: Optional[int] = None, force: bool = False) -> None: """ Internal function for appending data to a dataset or appending non-static attributes. See :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.append` for more information. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag where the data will be stored. data : np.ndarray The data that will be appended. data_dim : int Number of dimension of the data. force : bool The existing data will be overwritten if shape or type does not match. Returns ------- NoneType None """ # check if database entry is new... if tag not in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: # YES -> database entry is new self._init_dataset(data, tag, data_dim=data_dim) return None # NO -> database entry exists # check if the existing data has the same dim and datatype tmp_shape = self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag].shape tmp_dim = len(tmp_shape) if data_dim is None: data_dim = tmp_dim # convert input data to numpy array data = np.asarray(data) # if the dimension offset is 1 add that dimension (e.g. save 2D image in 3D image stack) if data.ndim + 1 == data_dim: if data_dim == 2: data = data[np.newaxis, :] elif data_dim == 3: data = data[np.newaxis, :, :] elif data_dim == 4: data = data[:, np.newaxis, :, :] @typechecked def _type_check() -> bool: check_result = False if tmp_dim == data.ndim: if tmp_dim == 1: check_result = True elif tmp_dim == 2: check_result = tmp_shape[1] == data.shape[1] elif tmp_dim == 3: # check if the spatial shape is the same check_result = (tmp_shape[1] == data.shape[1]) and \ (tmp_shape[2] == data.shape[2]) elif tmp_dim == 4: # check if the spectral and spatial shape is the same check_result = (tmp_shape[0] == data.shape[0]) and \ (tmp_shape[2] == data.shape[2]) and \ (tmp_shape[3] == data.shape[3]) return check_result if _type_check(): # YES -> dim and type match # we always append in axis one independent of the dimension # 1D case if data.size == 0: warnings.warn(f'The dataset that is appended under the tag name \'{tag}\' ' f'is empty.') else: if isinstance(data[0], str): data = np.array(data, dtype='|S') if data.ndim == 4: # IFS data: (n_wavelength, n_dit, y_pos, x_pos) self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag].resize(tmp_shape[1] + data.shape[1], axis=1) self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag][:, tmp_shape[1]:, :, :] = data else: # Other data: n_dit is the first dimension self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag].resize(tmp_shape[0] + data.shape[0], axis=0) self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag][tmp_shape[0]:, ] = data return None # NO -> shape or type is different # Check force if force: # YES -> Force is true self._set_all_key(tag, data=data) return None # NO -> Error message raise ValueError(f'The port tag \'{self._m_tag}\' is already used with a different data ' f'type. The \'force\' parameter can be used to replace the tag.') @typechecked def __setitem__(self, key: Union[slice, int, tuple], value: Union[np.ndarray, int]) -> None: """ Internal function needed to change data using slicing. See class documentation for an example (:class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort`). Parameters ---------- key : slice Index slice to be changed. value : np.ndarray New data. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._check_status_and_activate(): self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag][key] = value
[docs] @typechecked def del_all_data(self) -> None: """ Delete all data belonging to the database tag. """ if self._check_status_and_activate(): if self._m_tag in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: del self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag]
[docs] @typechecked def set_all(self, data: Union[np.ndarray, list], data_dim: Optional[int] = None, keep_attributes: bool = False) -> None: """ Set the data in the database by replacing all old values with the values of the input data. If no old values exists the data is just stored. Since it is not possible to change the number of dimensions of a data set later in the processing history one can choose a dimension different to the input data. The following cases are implemented: * (#dimension of the first input data#, #desired data_dim#) * (1, 1) 1D input or single value will be stored as list in HDF5 * (1, 2) 1D input, but 2D array stored inside (i.e. a list of lists with a fixed size). * (2, 2) 2D input (single image) and 2D array stored inside (i.e. a list of lists with a fixed size). * (2, 3) 2D input (single image) but 3D array stored inside (i.e. a stack of images with a fixed size). * (3, 3) 3D input and 3D array stored inside (i.e. a stack of images with a fixed size). For 2D and 3D data the first dimension always represents the list / stack (variable size) while the second (or third) dimension has a fixed size. After creation it is possible to extend a data set using :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.append` along the first dimension. **Example 1:** Input 2D array with size (200, 200). Desired dimension 3D. The result is a 3D dataset with the dimension (1, 200, 200). It is possible to append other images with the size (200, 200) or other stacks of images with the size (:, 200, 200). **Example 2:** Input 2D array with size (200, 200). Desired dimension 2D. The result is a 2D dataset with the dimension (200, 200). It is possible to append other list with the length 200 or other stacks of lines with the size (:, 200). However it is not possible to append other 2D images along a third dimension. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data to be saved. data_dim : int Number of data dimensions. The dimension of the *first_data* is used if set to None. keep_attributes : bool All attributes of the old dataset will remain the same if set to True. Returns ------- NoneType None """ data = np.asarray(data) if self._check_status_and_activate(): self._set_all_key(tag=self._m_tag, data=data, data_dim=data_dim, keep_attributes=keep_attributes)
[docs] @typechecked def append(self, data: Union[np.ndarray, list], data_dim: Optional[int] = None, force: bool = False) -> None: """ Appends data to an existing dataset along the first dimension. If no data exists for the :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort`, then a new data set is created. For more information about how the dimensions are organized, see the documentation of :func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.set_all`. Note it is not possible to append data with a different shape or data type to an existing dataset. **Example:** An internal data set is 3D (storing a stack of 2D images) with shape of ``(233, 300, 300)``, that is, it contains 233 images with a resolution of 300 by 300 pixels. Thus it is only possible to extend along the first dimension by appending new images with a shape of ``(300, 300)`` or by appending a stack of images with a shape of ``(:, 300, 300)``. It is possible to force the function to overwrite existing data set if the shape or type of the input data do not match the existing data. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data that will be appended. data_dim : int Number of data dimensions used if a new data set is created. The dimension of the ``data`` is used if set to None. force : bool The existing data will be overwritten if the shape or type does not match. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._check_status_and_activate(): self._append_key(self._m_tag, data=data, data_dim=data_dim, force=force)
[docs] @typechecked def activate(self) -> None: """ Activates the port. A non activated port will not save data. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.m_activate = True
[docs] @typechecked def deactivate(self) -> None: """ Deactivates the port. A non activated port will not save data. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.m_activate = False
[docs] @typechecked def add_attribute(self, name: str, value: Union[StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute], static: bool = True) -> None: """ Adds an attribute to the dataset of the Port with the attribute name = `name` and the value = `value`. If the attribute already exists it will be overwritten. Two different types of attributes are supported: 1. **static attributes**: Contain a single value or name (e.g. The name of the used Instrument). 2. **non-static attributes**: Contain a dataset which is connected to the actual data set (e.g. Instrument temperature). It is possible to append additional information to non-static attributes later (:func:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort.append_attribute_data`). This is not supported by static attributes. Static and non-static attributes are stored in a different way using the HDF5 file format. Static attributes will be direct attributes while non-static attributes are stored in a group with the name *header_* + name of the dataset. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the attribute. value : StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute Value of the attribute. static : bool Indicate if the attribute is static (True) or non-static (False). Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._check_status_and_activate(): if self._m_tag not in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: warnings.warn(f'Can not store the attribute \'{name}\' because the dataset ' f'\'{self._m_tag}\' does not exist.') else: if static: self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs[name] = value else: self._set_all_key(tag=('header_' + self._m_tag + '/' + name), data=np.asarray(value))
[docs] @typechecked def append_attribute_data(self, name: str, value: Union[StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute]) -> None: """ Function which appends data (either a single value or an array) to non-static attributes. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the attribute. value : StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute Value which will be appended to the attribute dataset. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._check_status_and_activate(): self._append_key(tag=('header_' + self._m_tag + '/' + name), data=np.asarray([value, ]))
[docs] @typechecked def copy_attributes(self, input_port: InputPort) -> None: """ Copies all static and non-static attributes from a given InputPort. Attributes which already exist will be overwritten. Non-static attributes will be linked not copied. If the InputPort tag = OutputPort tag (self.tag) nothing will be changed. Use this function in all modules to keep the header information. Parameters ---------- input_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort The InputPort with the header information. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._check_status_and_activate() and input_port.tag != self._m_tag: # link non-static attributes if 'header_' + input_port.tag + '/' in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: for attr_name, attr_data in self._m_data_storage\ .m_data_bank['header_' + input_port.tag + '/'].items(): database_name = 'header_'+self._m_tag+'/'+attr_name # overwrite existing header information in the database if database_name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: del self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[database_name] self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[database_name] = attr_data # copy static attributes attributes = input_port.get_all_static_attributes() for attr_name, attr_val in attributes.items(): self.add_attribute(attr_name, attr_val) self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank.flush()
[docs] @typechecked def del_attribute(self, name: str) -> None: """ Deletes the attribute of the dataset with the given name. Finds and removes static and non-static attributes. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the attribute. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._check_status_and_activate(): # check if attribute is static if name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs: del self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs[name] elif 'header_'+self._m_tag+'/'+name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: # remove non-static attribute del self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[('header_' + self._m_tag + '/' + name)] else: warnings.warn(f'Attribute \'{name}\' does not exist and could not be deleted.')
[docs] @typechecked def del_all_attributes(self) -> None: """ Deletes all static and non-static attributes of the dataset. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self._check_status_and_activate(): # static attributes if self._m_tag in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs.clear() # non-static attributes if 'header_' + self._m_tag + '/' in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: del self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[('header_' + self._m_tag + '/')]
[docs] @typechecked def check_static_attribute(self, name: str, comparison_value: StaticAttribute) -> Optional[int]: """ Checks if a static attribute exists and if it is equal to a comparison value. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the static attribute. comparison_value : StaticAttribute Comparison value. Returns ------- int, None Status: 1 if the static attribute does not exist, 0 if the static attribute exists and is equal, and -1 if the static attribute exists but is not equal. """ if not self._check_status_and_activate(): return None if name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs: if self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[self._m_tag].attrs[name] == comparison_value: return 0 return -1 return 1
[docs] @typechecked def check_non_static_attribute(self, name: str, comparison_value: NonStaticAttribute) -> Optional[int]: """ Checks if a non-static attribute exists and if it is equal to a comparison value. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the non-static attribute. comparison_value : NonStaticAttribute Comparison values Returns ------- int, None Status: 1 if the non-static attribute does not exist, 0 if the non-static attribute exists and is equal, and -1 if the non-static attribute exists but is not equal. """ if not self._check_status_and_activate(): return None group = 'header_' + self._m_tag + '/' if group in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank: if name in self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[group]: if np.array_equal(self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank[group+name][:], comparison_value): return 0 return -1 return 1 return 1
[docs] @typechecked def add_history(self, module: str, history: str) -> None: """ Adds an attribute with history information about the pipeline module. Parameters ---------- module : str Name of the pipeline module which was executed. history : str History information. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.add_attribute('History: ' + module, history)
[docs] @typechecked def flush(self) -> None: """ Forces the :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage` to save all data from the memory to the hard drive without closing the :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self._m_data_storage.m_data_bank.flush()