Source code for pynpoint.core.pypeline

Module which capsules the methods of the Pypeline.

import collections
import configparser
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import urllib.request
import warnings

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.error import URLError

import h5py
import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

import pynpoint

from pynpoint.core.attributes import get_attributes
from pynpoint.core.dataio import DataStorage
from pynpoint.core.processing import ProcessingModule, PypelineModule, ReadingModule, WritingModule
from pynpoint.util.module import input_info, module_info, output_info
from pynpoint.util.type_aliases import NonStaticAttribute, StaticAttribute

[docs]class Pypeline: """ The :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline` class manages the pipeline modules. It inheres an internal dictionary of pipeline modules and has a :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.DataStorage` which is accessed by the various modules. The order in which the pipeline modules are executed depends on the order they have been added to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline`. It is possible to run all modules at once or run a single module by name. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, working_place_in: Optional[str] = None, input_place_in: Optional[str] = None, output_place_in: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- working_place_in : str, None Working location where the central HDF5 database and the configuration file will be stored. Sufficient space is required in the working folder since each pipeline module stores a dataset in the HDF5 database. The current working folder of Python is used as working folder if the argument is set to None. input_place_in : str, None Default input folder where a :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.ReadingModule` that is added to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline` will look for input data. The current working folder of Python is used as input folder if the argument is set to None. output_place_in : str, None Default output folder where a :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.WritingModule` that is added to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline` will store output data. The current working folder of Python is used as output folder if the argument is set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ pynpoint_version = 'PynPoint v' + pynpoint.__version__ print(len(pynpoint_version) * '=') print(pynpoint_version) print(len(pynpoint_version) * '=' + '\n') try: contents = urllib.request.urlopen('').read() data = json.loads(contents) latest_version = data['info']['version'] except URLError: latest_version = None if latest_version is not None and pynpoint.__version__ != latest_version: print(f'A new version ({latest_version}) is available!\n') print('Want to stay informed about updates, bug fixes, and new features?') print('Please consider using the \'Watch\' button on the Github page:') print('\n') if working_place_in is None: self._m_working_place = os.getcwd() else: self._m_working_place = working_place_in if input_place_in is None: self._m_input_place = os.getcwd() else: self._m_input_place = input_place_in if output_place_in is None: self._m_output_place = os.getcwd() else: self._m_output_place = output_place_in print(f'Working place: {self._m_working_place}') print(f'Input place: {self._m_input_place}') print(f'Output place: {self._m_output_place}\n') self._m_modules = collections.OrderedDict() hdf5_path = os.path.join(self._m_working_place, 'PynPoint_database.hdf5') self.m_data_storage = DataStorage(hdf5_path) print(f'Database: {self.m_data_storage._m_location}') self._config_init() @typechecked def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Internal method which assigns a value to an object attribute. This method is called whenever and attribute of the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline` is changed and checks if the chosen working, input, or output folder exists. Parameters ---------- key : str Attribute name. value : str Value for the attribute. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if key == '_m_working_place': error_msg = f'The folder that was chosen for the working place does not exist: {value}.' assert os.path.isdir(str(value)), error_msg elif key == '_m_input_place': error_msg = f'The folder that was chosen for the input place does not exist: {value}.' assert os.path.isdir(str(value)), error_msg elif key == '_m_output_place': error_msg = f'The folder that was chosen for the output place does not exist: {value}.' assert os.path.isdir(str(value)), error_msg super().__setattr__(key, value) @staticmethod @typechecked def _validate(module: Union[ReadingModule, WritingModule, ProcessingModule], tags: List[str]) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """ Internal method to validate a :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.PypelineModule`. Parameters ---------- module : ReadingModule, WritingModule, ProcessingModule Pipeline module that will be validated. tags : list(str) Tags that are present in the database. Returns ------- bool Validation of the pipeline module. str, None Pipeline module name in case it is not valid. Returns None if the module was validated. """ if isinstance(module, ReadingModule): tags.extend(module.get_all_output_tags()) elif isinstance(module, WritingModule): for tag in module.get_all_input_tags(): if tag not in tags: return False, elif isinstance(module, ProcessingModule): tags.extend(module.get_all_output_tags()) for tag in module.get_all_input_tags(): if tag not in tags: return False, return True, None @typechecked def _config_init(self) -> None: """ Internal method to initialize the configuration file. The configuration parameters are read from *PynPoint_config.ini* in the working folder. The file is created with default values (ESO/NACO) in case the file is not present. Returns ------- NoneType None """ @typechecked def _create_config(filename: str, attributes: dict) -> None: file_obj = open(filename, 'w') file_obj.write('[header]\n\n') for key, val in attributes.items(): if val['config'] == 'header': file_obj.write(key+': '+str(val['value'])+'\n') file_obj.write('\n[settings]\n\n') for key, val in attributes.items(): if val['config'] == 'settings': file_obj.write(key+': '+str(val['value'])+'\n') file_obj.close() @typechecked def _read_config(config_file: str, attributes: dict) -> dict: config = configparser.ConfigParser() with open(config_file) as cf_open: config.read_file(cf_open) for key, val in attributes.items(): if config.has_option(val['config'], key): if config.get(val['config'], key) == 'None': if val['config'] == 'header': attributes[key]['value'] = 'None' # elif val['type'] == 'str': # attributes[key]['value'] = 'None' elif val['type'] == 'float': attributes[key]['value'] = float(0.) elif val['type'] == 'int': attributes[key]['value'] = int(0) else: if val['config'] == 'header': attributes[key]['value'] = str(config.get(val['config'], key)) # elif val['type'] == 'str': # attributes[key]['value'] = str(config.get(val['config'], key)) elif val['type'] == 'float': attributes[key]['value'] = float(config.get(val['config'], key)) elif val['type'] == 'int': attributes[key]['value'] = int(config.get(val['config'], key)) return attributes @typechecked def _write_config(attributes: dict) -> None: hdf = h5py.File(self._m_working_place+'/PynPoint_database.hdf5', 'a') if 'config' in hdf: del hdf['config'] config = hdf.create_group('config') for key in attributes.keys(): if attributes[key]['value'] is not None: config.attrs[key] = attributes[key]['value'] config.attrs['WORKING_PLACE'] = self._m_working_place hdf.close() config_file = os.path.join(self._m_working_place, 'PynPoint_config.ini') print(f'Configuration: {config_file}\n') attributes = get_attributes() attributes['CPU']['value'] = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if not os.path.isfile(config_file): warnings.warn('Configuration file not found. Creating PynPoint_config.ini with ' 'default values in the working place.') _create_config(config_file, attributes) attributes = _read_config(config_file, attributes) _write_config(attributes) n_cpu = attributes['CPU']['value'] if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ: n_thread = os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] else: n_thread = 'not set' print(f'Number of CPUs: {n_cpu}') print(f'Number of threads: {n_thread}')
[docs] @typechecked def add_module(self, module: PypelineModule) -> None: """ Method for adding a :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.PypelineModule` to the internal dictionary of the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline`. The module is appended at the end of this ordered dictionary. If the input module is a reading or writing module without a specified input or output location then the default location is used. The module is connected to the internal data storage of the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline`. Parameters ---------- module : ReadingModule, WritingModule, ProcessingModule Pipeline module that will be added to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if isinstance(module, ReadingModule): if module.m_input_location is None: module.m_input_location = self._m_input_place if isinstance(module, WritingModule): if module.m_output_location is None: module.m_output_location = self._m_output_place module.connect_database(self.m_data_storage) if in self._m_modules: warnings.warn(f'Names of pipeline modules that are added to the Pypeline need to ' f'be unique. The current pipeline module, \'{}\', does ' f'already exist in the Pypeline dictionary so the previous module ' f'with the same name will be overwritten.') self._m_modules[] = module
[docs] @typechecked def remove_module(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Method to remove a :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.PypelineModule` from the internal dictionary with pipeline modules that are added to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline`. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the module that has to be removed. Returns ------- bool Confirmation of removing the :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.PypelineModule`. """ if name in self._m_modules: del self._m_modules[name] removed = True else: warnings.warn(f'Pipeline module \'{name}\' is not found in the Pypeline dictionary ' f'so it could not be removed. The dictionary contains the following ' f'modules: {list(self._m_modules.keys())}.') removed = False return removed
[docs] @typechecked def get_module_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Method to return a list with the names of all pipeline modules that are added to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline`. Returns ------- list(str) Ordered list of all Pypeline modules. """ return list(self._m_modules.keys())
[docs] @typechecked def validate_pipeline(self) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """ Method to check if each :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort` is pointing to an :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort` of a previously added :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.PypelineModule`. Returns ------- bool Validation of the pipeline. str, None Name of the pipeline module that can not be validated. Returns None if all modules were validated. """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() # Create list with all datasets that are stored in the database data_tags = list(self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank.keys()) # Initiate the validation in case self._m_modules.values() is empty validation = (True, None) # Loop over all pipline modules in the ordered dictionary for module in self._m_modules.values(): # Validate the pipeline module validation = self._validate(module, data_tags) if not validation[0]: # Break the for loop if a module could not be validated break return validation
[docs] @typechecked def validate_pipeline_module(self, name: str) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """ Method to check if each :class:`~pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort` of a :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.PypelineModule` with label ``name`` points to an existing dataset in the database. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the pipeline module instance that will be validated. Returns ------- bool Validation of the pipeline module. str, None Pipeline module name in case it is not valid. Returns None if the module was validated. """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() # Create list with all datasets that are stored in the database data_tags = list(self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank.keys()) # Check if the name is included in the internal dictionary with added modules if name in self._m_modules: # Validate the pipeline module validate = self._validate(self._m_modules[name], data_tags) else: validate = (False, name) return validate
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Method for running all pipeline modules that are added to the :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ # Validate the pipeline validation = self.validate_pipeline() if not validation[0]: # Check if the input data is available raise AttributeError(f'Pipeline module \'{validation[1]}\' is looking for data ' f'under a tag which is not created by a previous module or ' f'the data does not exist in the database.') # Loop over all pipeline modules and run them for name in self._m_modules: self.run_module(name)
[docs] @typechecked def run_module(self, name: str) -> None: """ Method for running a pipeline module. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the pipeline module. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if name in self._m_modules: # Validate the pipeline module validation = self.validate_pipeline_module(name) if not validation[0]: raise AttributeError(f'Pipeline module \'{validation[1]}\' is looking for data ' f'under a tag which does not exist in the database.') # Print information about the pipeline module module_info(self._m_modules[name]) # Check if the module has any input ports if hasattr(self._m_modules[name], '_m_input_ports'): # Check if the list of input ports is not empty if len(self._m_modules[name]._m_input_ports) > 0: # Print information about the input ports input_info(self._m_modules[name]) # Check if the module has any output ports if hasattr(self._m_modules[name], '_m_output_ports'): for item in self._m_modules[name]._m_output_ports: # Check if the module is a ProcessingModule if isinstance(self._m_modules[name], ProcessingModule): # Check if the database tag is already used if item in self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank: # Check if the output port is not used as input port if hasattr(self._m_modules[name], '_m_input_ports') and \ item not in self._m_modules[name]._m_input_ports: print(f'Deleting data and attributes: {item}') # Delete existing data and attributes self._m_modules[name]._m_output_ports[item].del_all_data() self._m_modules[name]._m_output_ports[item].del_all_attributes() # Run the pipeline module self._m_modules[name].run() # Check if the module has any output ports if hasattr(self._m_modules[name], '_m_output_ports'): output_shape = {} for item in self._m_modules[name]._m_output_ports: # Get the shape of the output port output_shape[item] = self.get_shape(item) # Print information about the output ports output_info(self._m_modules[name], output_shape) else: warnings.warn(f'Pipeline module \'{name}\' not found.')
[docs] @typechecked def get_data(self, tag: str, data_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Method for reading data from the database. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag. data_range : tuple(int, int), None Slicing range for the first axis of a dataset. This argument can be used to select a subset of images from dataset. The full dataset is read if the argument is set to None. Returns ------- np.ndarray The selected dataset from the database. """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() if data_range is None: data = np.array(self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag]) else: data = np.array(self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag][data_range[0]:data_range[1], ]) self.m_data_storage.close_connection() return data
[docs] @typechecked def delete_data(self, tag: str) -> None: """ Method for deleting a dataset and related attributes from the central database. Disk space does not seem to free up when using this method. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() if tag in self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank: del self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag] else: warnings.warn(f'Dataset \'{tag}\' not found in the database.') if 'header_' + tag + '/' in self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank: del self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[f'header_{tag}'] else: warnings.warn(f'Attributes of \'{tag}\' not found in the database.') self.m_data_storage.close_connection()
[docs] @typechecked def get_attribute(self, data_tag: str, attr_name: str, static: bool = True) -> Union[StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute]: """ Method for reading an attribute from the database. Parameters ---------- data_tag : str Database tag. attr_name : str Name of the attribute. static : bool Static (True) or non-static attribute (False). Returns ------- StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute Attribute value. For a static attribute, a single value is returned. For a non-static attribute, an array of values is returned. """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() if static: attr = self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[data_tag].attrs[attr_name] else: attr = self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[f'header_{data_tag}/{attr_name}'] attr = np.asarray(attr) self.m_data_storage.close_connection() return attr
[docs] @typechecked def set_attribute(self, data_tag: str, attr_name: str, attr_value: Union[StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute], static: bool = True) -> None: """ Method for writing an attribute to the database. Existing values will be overwritten. Parameters ---------- data_tag : str Database tag. attr_name : str Name of the attribute. attr_value : StaticAttribute, NonStaticAttribute Attribute value. static : bool Static (True) or non-static attribute (False). Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() if static: self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[data_tag].attrs[attr_name] = attr_value else: if isinstance(attr_value[0], str): attr_value = np.array(attr_value, dtype='|S') if attr_name in list(self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[f'header_{data_tag}'].keys()): del self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[f'header_{data_tag}/{attr_name}'] attr_key = f'header_{data_tag}/{attr_name}' self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[attr_key] = np.asarray(attr_value) self.m_data_storage.close_connection()
[docs] @typechecked def get_tags(self) -> List[str]: """ Method for returning a list with all database tags, except header and configuration tags. Returns ------- list(str) Database tags. """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() tags = list(self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank.keys()) selected_tags = [] for item in tags: if item in ['config', 'fits_header'] or item[0:7] == 'header_': continue selected_tags.append(item) self.m_data_storage.close_connection() return selected_tags
[docs] @typechecked def get_shape(self, tag: str) -> Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Method for returning the shape of a database entry. Parameters ---------- tag : str Database tag. Returns ------- tuple(int, ...), None Shape of the dataset. None is returned if the database tag is not found. """ self.m_data_storage.open_connection() if tag in self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank: data_shape = self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[tag].shape else: data_shape = None self.m_data_storage.close_connection() return data_shape
[docs] @typechecked def list_attributes(self, data_tag: str) -> Dict[str, Union[str, np.float64, np.ndarray]]: """ Method for printing and returning an overview of all attributes of a dataset. Parameters ---------- data_tag : str Database tag of which the attributes will be extracted. Returns ------- dict(str, bool) Dictionary with all attributes, both static and non-static. """ print_text = f'Attribute overview of {data_tag}' print('\n' + len(print_text) * '-') print(print_text) print(len(print_text) * '-' + '\n') self.m_data_storage.open_connection() attributes = {} print('Static attributes:') for key, value in self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[data_tag].attrs.items(): attributes[key] = value print(f'\n - {key} = {value}') print('\nNon-static attributes:') for key, value in self.m_data_storage.m_data_bank[f'header_{data_tag}'].items(): attributes[key] = list(value) print(f'\n - {key} = {list(value)}') self.m_data_storage.close_connection() return attributes