Source code for pynpoint.processing.badpixel

Pipeline modules for the detection and interpolation of bad pixels.

import warnings

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.processing import ProcessingModule
from pynpoint.util.apply_func import bad_pixel_sigma_filter, image_interpolation, \
                                     replace_pixels, time_filter

[docs]class BadPixelSigmaFilterModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for finding bad pixels with a sigma filter and replacing them with the mean value of the surrounding pixels. """ __author__ = 'Markus Bonse, Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, map_out_tag: Optional[str] = None, box: int = 9, sigma: float = 5., iterate: int = 1) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is written as output. map_out_tag : str, None Tag of the database entry with the bad pixel map that is written as output. No data is written if set to None. This output port can not be used if CPU > 1. box : int Size of the sigma filter. The area of the filter is equal to the squared value of *box*. sigma : float Sigma threshold. iterate : int Number of iterations. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) if map_out_tag is None: self.m_map_out_port = None else: self.m_map_out_port = self.add_output_port(map_out_tag) self.m_box = box self.m_sigma = sigma self.m_iterate = iterate if self.m_iterate < 1: raise ValueError('The argument of \'iterate\' should be 1 or larger.')
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Finds bad pixels with a sigma filter, replaces bad pixels with the mean value of the surrounding pixels, and writes the cleaned images to the database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ cpu = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('CPU') if cpu > 1 and self.m_map_out_port is not None: warnings.warn('The \'map_out_port\' can only be used if CPU = 1. No data will ' 'be stored to this output port.') del self._m_output_ports[self.m_map_out_port.tag] self.m_map_out_port = None self.apply_function_to_images(bad_pixel_sigma_filter, self.m_image_in_port, self.m_image_out_port, 'Bad pixel sigma filter', func_args=(self.m_box, self.m_sigma, self.m_iterate, self.m_map_out_port)) history = f'sigma = {self.m_sigma}' self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.add_history('BadPixelSigmaFilterModule', history) if self.m_map_out_port is not None: self.m_map_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_map_out_port.add_history('BadPixelSigmaFilterModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class BadPixelMapModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module to create a bad pixel map from the dark frames and flat fields. """ __author__ = 'Markus Bonse, Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, dark_in_tag: Optional[str], flat_in_tag: Optional[str], bp_map_out_tag: str, dark_threshold: float = 0.2, flat_threshold: float = 0.2) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. dark_in_tag : str, None Tag of the database entry with the dark frames that are read as input. Not read if set to None. flat_in_tag : str, None Tag of the database entry with the flat fields that are read as input. Not read if set to None. bp_map_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the bad pixel map that is written as output. dark_threshold : float Fractional threshold with respect to the maximum pixel value in the dark frame to flag bad pixels. Pixels `brighter` than the fractional threshold are flagged as bad. flat_threshold : float Fractional threshold with respect to the maximum pixel value in the flat field to flag bad pixels. Pixels `fainter` than the fractional threshold are flagged as bad. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) if dark_in_tag is None: self.m_dark_port = None else: self.m_dark_port = self.add_input_port(dark_in_tag) if flat_in_tag is None: self.m_flat_port = None else: self.m_flat_port = self.add_input_port(flat_in_tag) self.m_bp_map_out_port = self.add_output_port(bp_map_out_tag) self.m_dark_threshold = dark_threshold self.m_flat_threshold = flat_threshold
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Collapses a cube of dark frames and flat fields if needed, flags bad pixels by comparing the pixel values with the threshold times the maximum value, and writes a bad pixel map to the database. For the dark frame, pixel values larger than the threshold will be flagged while for the flat frame pixel values smaller than the threshold will be flagged. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self.m_dark_port is not None: dark = self.m_dark_port.get_all() if dark.ndim == 3: dark = np.mean(dark, axis=0) max_dark = np.max(dark) print(f'Threshold dark frame = {max_dark*self.m_dark_threshold}') bpmap = np.ones(dark.shape) bpmap[np.where(dark > max_dark*self.m_dark_threshold)] = 0 if self.m_flat_port is not None: flat = self.m_flat_port.get_all() if flat.ndim == 3: flat = np.mean(flat, axis=0) max_flat = np.max(flat) print(f'Threshold flat field (ADU) = {max_flat*self.m_flat_threshold:.2e}') if self.m_dark_port is None: bpmap = np.ones(flat.shape) bpmap[np.where(flat < max_flat*self.m_flat_threshold)] = 0 if self.m_dark_port is not None and self.m_flat_port is not None: if not dark.shape == flat.shape: raise ValueError('Dark and flat images should have the same shape.') self.m_bp_map_out_port.set_all(bpmap, data_dim=3) if self.m_dark_port is not None: self.m_bp_map_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_dark_port) elif self.m_flat_port is not None: self.m_bp_map_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_flat_port) history = f'dark = {self.m_dark_threshold}, flat = {self.m_flat_threshold}' self.m_bp_map_out_port.add_history('BadPixelMapModule', history) self.m_bp_map_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class BadPixelInterpolationModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module to interpolate bad pixels with spectral deconvolution. """ __author__ = 'Markus Bonse, Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, bad_pixel_map_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, iterations: int = 1000) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the images that are read as input. bad_pixel_map_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the bad pixel map that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is written as output. iterations : int Number of iterations of the spectral deconvolution. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_bp_map_in_port = self.add_input_port(bad_pixel_map_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_iterations = iterations
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Interpolates bad pixels with an iterative spectral deconvolution. Returns ------- NoneType None """ bad_pixel_map = self.m_bp_map_in_port.get_all()[0, ] im_shape = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape() if self.m_iterations > im_shape[1]*im_shape[2]: raise ValueError('Maximum number of iterations needs to be smaller than the number of ' 'pixels in the image.') if bad_pixel_map.shape[0] != im_shape[-2] or bad_pixel_map.shape[1] != im_shape[-1]: raise ValueError('The shape of the bad pixel map does not match the shape of the ' 'images.') self.apply_function_to_images(image_interpolation, self.m_image_in_port, self.m_image_out_port, 'Bad pixel interpolation', func_args=(self.m_iterations, bad_pixel_map)) history = f'iterations = {self.m_iterations}' self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.add_history('BadPixelInterpolationModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class BadPixelTimeFilterModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for finding bad pixels with a sigma filter along a pixel line in time. This module is suitable for removing bad pixels that are only present at a position in a small number of images, for example because a dither pattern has been applied. Pixel lines can be processed in parallel by setting the CPU keyword in the configuration file. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, sigma: Tuple[float, float] = (5., 5.)) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is written as output. sigma : tuple(float, float) Lower and upper sigma threshold as (lower, upper). Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_sigma = sigma
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Finds bad pixels along a pixel line, replaces the bad pixels with the mean value of the pixels (excluding the bad pixels), and writes the cleaned images to the database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ print('Temporal filtering of bad pixels ...', end='') self.apply_function_in_time(time_filter, self.m_image_in_port, self.m_image_out_port, func_args=(self.m_sigma, )) print(' [DONE]') history = f'sigma = {self.m_sigma}' self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.add_history('BadPixelTimeFilterModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class ReplaceBadPixelsModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for replacing bad pixels with the mean are median value of the surrounding pixels. The bad pixels are selected from the input bad pixel map. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, map_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, size: int = 2, replace: str = 'median') -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is written as output. size : int Number of pixel lines around the bad pixel that are used to calculate the median or mean replacement value. For example, a 5x5 window is used if ``size=2``. replace : str Replace the bad pixel with the 'median', 'mean' or 'nan'. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_map_in_port = self.add_input_port(map_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_size = size self.m_replace = replace
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Masks the bad pixels with NaN and replaces the bad pixels with the mean or median value (excluding the bad pixels) within a window centered on the bad pixel. The original value is used if there are only NaNs within the window. Returns ------- NoneType None """ bpmap = self.m_map_in_port.get_all()[0, ] index = np.argwhere(bpmap == 0) self.apply_function_to_images(replace_pixels, self.m_image_in_port, self.m_image_out_port, 'Running ReplaceBadPixelsModule', func_args=(index, self.m_size, self.m_replace)) history = f'replace = {self.m_replace}' self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.add_history('ReplaceBadPixelsModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()