Source code for pynpoint.processing.basic

Pipeline modules for basic image operations.

import time

from typing import Tuple

from typeguard import typechecked
from scipy.ndimage import rotate

from pynpoint.core.processing import ProcessingModule
from pynpoint.util.module import progress, memory_frames

[docs]class SubtractImagesModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for subtracting two sets of images. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tags: Tuple[str, str], image_out_tag: str, scaling: float = 1.) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tags : tuple(str, str) Tuple with two tags of the database entry that are read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the subtracted images that are written as output. scaling : float Additional scaling factor. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in1_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tags[0]) self.m_image_in2_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tags[1]) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_scaling = scaling
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Subtracts the images from the second database tag from the images of the first database tag, on a frame-by-frame basis. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self.m_image_in1_port.get_shape() != self.m_image_in2_port.get_shape(): raise ValueError('The shape of the two input tags has to be the same.') memory = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY') nimages = self.m_image_in1_port.get_shape()[0] frames = memory_frames(memory, nimages) start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate(frames[:-1]): progress(i, len(frames[:-1]), 'Subtracting images...', start_time) images1 = self.m_image_in1_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] images2 = self.m_image_in2_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] self.m_image_out_port.append(self.m_scaling*(images1-images2), data_dim=3) history = f'scaling = {self.m_scaling}' self.m_image_out_port.add_history('SubtractImagesModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in1_port) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class AddImagesModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for adding two sets of images. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tags: Tuple[str, str], image_out_tag: str, scaling: float = 1.) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tags : tuple(str, str) Tuple with two tags of the database entry that are read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the added images that are written as output. scaling: float Additional scaling factor. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in1_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tags[0]) self.m_image_in2_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tags[1]) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_scaling = scaling
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Add the images from the two database tags on a frame-by-frame basis. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self.m_image_in1_port.get_shape() != self.m_image_in2_port.get_shape(): raise ValueError('The shape of the two input tags has to be the same.') memory = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY') nimages = self.m_image_in1_port.get_shape()[0] frames = memory_frames(memory, nimages) start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate(frames[:-1]): progress(i, len(frames[:-1]), 'Adding images...', start_time) images1 = self.m_image_in1_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] images2 = self.m_image_in2_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] self.m_image_out_port.append(self.m_scaling*(images1+images2), data_dim=3) history = f'scaling = {self.m_scaling}' self.m_image_out_port.add_history('AddImagesModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in1_port) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class RotateImagesModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for rotating images. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, angle: float) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is written as output. angle : float Rotation angle (deg). Rotation is clockwise for positive values. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_angle = angle
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Rotates all images by a constant angle. Returns ------- NoneType None """ memory = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY') nimages = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0] frames = memory_frames(memory, nimages) start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate(frames[:-1]): progress(i, len(frames[:-1]), 'Rotating images...', start_time) images = self.m_image_in_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] for j in range(frames[i+1]-frames[i]): im_tmp = images[j, ] # ndimage.rotate rotates in clockwise direction for positive angles im_tmp = rotate(im_tmp, self.m_angle, reshape=False) self.m_image_out_port.append(im_tmp, data_dim=3) history = f'angle [deg] = {self.m_angle}' self.m_image_out_port.add_history('RotateImagesModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class RepeatImagesModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for repeating the images from a dataset. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, repeat: int) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the added images that are written as output. repeat: int The number of times the input images get repeated. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_repeat = repeat
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Repeats the stack of input images a specified number of times. Returns ------- NoneType None """ nimages = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0] memory = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY') frames = memory_frames(memory, nimages) start_time = time.time() for i in range(self.m_repeat): progress(i, self.m_repeat, 'Repeating images...', start_time) for j, _ in enumerate(frames[:-1]): images = self.m_image_in_port[frames[j]:frames[j+1], ] self.m_image_out_port.append(images, data_dim=3) history = f'repeat = {self.m_repeat}' self.m_image_out_port.add_history('RepeatImagesModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()