Source code for pynpoint.processing.frameselection

Pipeline modules for frame selection.

import time
import math
import warnings
import multiprocessing as mp

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity, mean_squared_error

from pynpoint.core.processing import ProcessingModule
from pynpoint.util.apply_func import image_stat
from pynpoint.util.image import crop_image, pixel_distance, center_pixel
from pynpoint.util.module import progress
from pynpoint.util.remove import write_selected_data, write_selected_attributes
from import star_positions

[docs]class RemoveFramesModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for removing images by their index number. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, selected_out_tag: str, removed_out_tag: str, frames: Union[str, range, list, np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. selected_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the remaining images after removing the specified images. Should be different from *image_in_tag*. removed_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the images that are removed. Should be different from *image_in_tag*. frames : str, list, range, numpy.ndarray The frame indices that have to be removed or a database tag pointing to a list of frame indices. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_selected_out_port = self.add_output_port(selected_out_tag) self.m_removed_out_port = self.add_output_port(removed_out_tag) if isinstance(frames, str): self.m_index_in_port = self.add_input_port(frames) else: self.m_index_in_port = None if isinstance(frames, (range, list)): self.m_frames = np.asarray(frames, dtype=int) elif isinstance(frames, np.ndarray): self.m_frames = frames
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Removes the frames and corresponding attributes, updates the NFRAMES attribute, and saves the data and attributes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self.m_index_in_port is not None: self.m_frames = self.m_index_in_port.get_all() if np.size(np.where(self.m_frames >= self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0])) > 0: raise ValueError(f'Some values in \'frames\' are larger than the total number of ' f'available frames, {self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0]}.') write_selected_data(memory=self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY'), indices=self.m_frames, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port) write_selected_attributes(indices=self.m_frames, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port, module_type='RemoveFramesModule', history=f'frames removed = {np.size(self.m_frames)}') self.m_image_in_port.close_port()
[docs]class FrameSelectionModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for applying a frame selection. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, selected_out_tag: str, removed_out_tag: str, index_out_tag: Optional[str] = None, method: str = 'median', threshold: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = 4., fwhm: Optional[float] = 0.1, aperture: Union[Tuple[str, float], Tuple[str, float, float]] = ('circular', 0.2), position: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int, float], Tuple[None, None, float], Tuple[int, int, None]]] = None) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. selected_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the selected images that are written as output. Should be different from ``image_in_tag``. removed_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the removed images that are written as output. Should be different from ``image_in_tag``. index_out_tag : str, None Tag of the database entry with the list of frames indices that are removed with the frames selection. No data is written when set to ``None``. method : str Method used for the frame selection. Either sigma clipping is applied with respect to the median (``method='median'``) or maximum (``method='max'``) aperture flux or fluxes outside a specified range (``method='range'``) are removed. In the latter case, the ``threshold`` argument should be a tuple with the minimum and maximum flux value. threshold : float, tuple(float, float) Threshold in units of sigma for the frame selection in case ``method='median'`` or ``method='max'``. All images that are a ``threshold`` number of sigmas away from the median/maximum aperture flux will be removed. In case ``method='range'``, the argument should be a tuple with the minimum and maximum flux. Aperture fluxes within this range will be selected and stored at ``selected_out_tag``. fwhm : float, None The FWHM (arcsec) of the Gaussian kernel that is used to smooth the images before the brightest pixel is located. Recommended to be similar in size to the FWHM of the stellar PSF. No smoothing is applied if set to ``None``. aperture : tuple(str, float), tuple(str, float, float) Tuple with the aperture properties for measuring the photometry around the location of the brightest pixel. The first element contains the aperture type ('circular', 'annulus', or 'ratio'). For a circular aperture, the second element contains the aperture radius (arcsec). For the other two types, the second and third element are the inner and outer radii (arcsec) of the aperture. position : tuple(int, int, float), None Subframe that is selected to search for the star. The tuple contains the center (pix) and size (arcsec) (pos_x, pos_y, size). Setting ``position`` to None will use the full image to search for the star. If `position=(None, None, size)` then the center of the image will be used. If ``position=(pos_x, pos_y, None)`` then a fixed position is used for the aperture. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_selected_out_port = self.add_output_port(selected_out_tag) self.m_removed_out_port = self.add_output_port(removed_out_tag) if index_out_tag is None: self.m_index_out_port = None else: self.m_index_out_port = self.add_output_port(index_out_tag) self.m_method = method self.m_fwhm = fwhm self.m_aperture = aperture self.m_threshold = threshold self.m_position = position
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def aperture_phot(image: np.ndarray, position: np.ndarray, aperture: Union[Tuple[str, float, float], Tuple[str, None, float]]) -> np.float64: """ Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray Input image (2D). position : np.ndarray Center position (y, x) of the aperture. aperture : tuple(str, float, float) Tuple with the aperture properties for measuring the photometry around the location of the brightest pixel. The first element contains the aperture type ('circular', 'annulus', or 'ratio'). For a circular aperture, the second element is empty and the third element contains the aperture radius (pix). For the other two types, the second and third element are the inner and outer radii (pix) of the aperture. Returns ------- np.float64 Photometry value. """ check_pos_in = any(np.floor(position[:]-aperture[2]) < 0.) check_pos_out = any(np.ceil(position[:]+aperture[2]) > image.shape[0]) if check_pos_in or check_pos_out: phot = np.nan else: im_crop = crop_image(image, tuple(position), 2*int(math.ceil(aperture[2]))) npix = im_crop.shape[0] x_grid = y_grid = np.linspace(-(npix-1)/2, (npix-1)/2, npix) xx_grid, yy_grid = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) rr_grid = np.sqrt(xx_grid**2 + yy_grid**2) if aperture[0] == 'circular': phot = np.sum(im_crop[rr_grid < aperture[2]]) elif aperture[0] == 'annulus': phot = np.sum(im_crop[(rr_grid > aperture[1]) & (rr_grid < aperture[2])]) elif aperture[0] == 'ratio': phot = np.sum(im_crop[rr_grid < aperture[1]]) / \ np.sum(im_crop[(rr_grid > aperture[1]) & (rr_grid < aperture[2])]) return phot
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Smooths the images with a Gaussian kernel, locates the brightest pixel in each image, measures the integrated flux around the brightest pixel, calculates the median and standard deviation of the photometry, and applies sigma clipping to remove low quality images. Returns ------- NoneType None """ pixscale = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PIXSCALE') nimages = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0] if self.m_fwhm is not None: self.m_fwhm = int(math.ceil(self.m_fwhm/pixscale)) if self.m_position is not None and self.m_position[2] is not None: self.m_position = (self.m_position[0], self.m_position[0], int(math.ceil(self.m_position[2]/pixscale))) if len(self.m_aperture) == 2: self.m_aperture = (self.m_aperture[0], None, self.m_aperture[1]/pixscale) elif len(self.m_aperture) == 3: self.m_aperture = (self.m_aperture[0], self.m_aperture[1]/pixscale, self.m_aperture[2]/pixscale) starpos = star_positions(self.m_image_in_port, self.m_fwhm, self.m_position) phot = np.zeros(nimages) start_time = time.time() for i in range(nimages): progress(i, nimages, 'Aperture photometry...', start_time) phot[i] = self.aperture_phot(self.m_image_in_port[i, ], starpos[i, :], self.m_aperture) if self.m_method == 'median': phot_ref = np.nanmedian(phot) print(f'Median = {phot_ref:.2f}') elif self.m_method == 'max': phot_ref = np.nanmax(phot) print(f'Maximum = {phot_ref:.2f}') elif self.m_method == 'range': phot_ref = np.nanmedian(phot) print(f'Median = {phot_ref:.2f}') phot_std = np.nanstd(phot) print(f'Standard deviation = {phot_std:.2f}') if self.m_method in ['median', 'max']: index_del = np.logical_or((phot > phot_ref + self.m_threshold*phot_std), (phot < phot_ref - self.m_threshold*phot_std)) elif self.m_method == 'range': index_del = np.logical_or((phot < self.m_threshold[0]), (phot > self.m_threshold[1])) index_del[np.isnan(phot)] = True index_del = np.where(index_del)[0] index_sel = np.ones(nimages, dtype=bool) index_sel[index_del] = False write_selected_data(memory=self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY'), indices=index_del, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port) history = f'frames removed = {np.size(index_del)}' if self.m_index_out_port is not None: self.m_index_out_port.set_all(index_del, data_dim=1) self.m_index_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_index_out_port.add_attribute('STAR_POSITION', starpos, static=False) self.m_index_out_port.add_history('FrameSelectionModule', history) write_selected_attributes(indices=index_del, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port, module_type='FrameSelectionModule', history=history) self.m_selected_out_port.add_attribute('STAR_POSITION', starpos[index_sel], static=False) self.m_selected_out_port.add_history('FrameSelectionModule', history) self.m_removed_out_port.add_attribute('STAR_POSITION', starpos[index_del], static=False) self.m_removed_out_port.add_history('FrameSelectionModule', history) self.m_image_in_port.close_port()
[docs]class RemoveLastFrameModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for removing every NDIT+1 image from NACO dataset obtained in cube mode. This frame contains the average pixel values of the cube. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is written as output. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag)
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Removes every NDIT+1 frame and saves the data and attributes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ ndit = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('NDIT') nframes = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('NFRAMES') index = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('INDEX') nframes_new = [] index_new = [] start_time = time.time() for i, item in enumerate(ndit): progress(i, len(ndit), 'Removing the last image of each FITS cube...', start_time) if nframes[i] != item+1: warnings.warn(f'Number of frames ({nframes[i]}) is not equal to NDIT+1.') frame_start = np.sum(nframes[0:i]) frame_end = np.sum(nframes[0:i+1]) - 1 nframes_new.append(nframes[i]-1) index_new.extend(index[frame_start:frame_end]) self.m_image_out_port.append(self.m_image_in_port[frame_start:frame_end, ]) nframes_new = np.asarray(nframes_new, dtype=int) index_new = np.asarray(index_new, dtype=int) self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.add_attribute('NFRAMES', nframes_new, static=False) self.m_image_out_port.add_attribute('INDEX', index_new, static=False) history = 'frames removed = NDIT+1' self.m_image_out_port.add_history('RemoveLastFrameModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class RemoveStartFramesModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for removing a fixed number of images at the beginning of each cube. This can be useful for NACO data in which the background is higher at the beginning of the cube. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, frames: int = 1) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. image_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is written as output. frames : int Number of frames that are removed at the beginning of each cube. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_frames = int(frames)
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Removes a constant number of images at the beginning of each cube and saves the data and attributes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if self.m_image_out_port.tag == self.m_image_in_port.tag: raise ValueError('Input and output port should have a different tag.') nframes = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('NFRAMES') index = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('INDEX') index_new = [] if 'PARANG' in self.m_image_in_port.get_all_non_static_attributes(): parang = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PARANG') parang_new = [] else: parang = None if 'STAR_POSITION' in self.m_image_in_port.get_all_non_static_attributes(): star = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('STAR_POSITION') star_new = [] else: star = None start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate(nframes): progress(i, len(nframes), 'Removing images at the begin of each cube...', start_time) frame_start = np.sum(nframes[0:i]) + self.m_frames frame_end = np.sum(nframes[0:i+1]) if frame_start >= frame_end: raise ValueError('The number of frames in the original data cube is equal or ' 'smaller than the number of frames that have to be removed.') index_new.extend(index[frame_start:frame_end]) if parang is not None: parang_new.extend(parang[frame_start:frame_end]) if star is not None: star_new.extend(star[frame_start:frame_end]) self.m_image_out_port.append(self.m_image_in_port[frame_start:frame_end, ]) self.m_image_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_image_out_port.add_attribute('NFRAMES', nframes-self.m_frames, static=False) self.m_image_out_port.add_attribute('INDEX', index_new, static=False) if parang is not None: self.m_image_out_port.add_attribute('PARANG', parang_new, static=False) if star is not None: self.m_image_out_port.add_attribute('STAR_POSITION', np.asarray(star_new), static=False) history = 'frames removed = '+str(self.m_frames) self.m_image_out_port.add_history('RemoveStartFramesModule', history) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class ImageStatisticsModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for calculating image statistics for the full images or a subsection of the images. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, stat_out_tag: str, position: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int, float], Tuple[None, None, float]]] = None) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the images that are read as input. stat_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the statistical results that are written as output. The result is stored in the following order: minimum, maximum, sum, mean, median, and standard deviation. position : tuple(int, int, float) Position (x, y) (pix) and radius (arcsec) of the circular area in which the statistics are calculated. The full image is used if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_stat_out_port = self.add_output_port(stat_out_tag) self.m_position = position
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Calculates the minimum, maximum, sum, mean, median, and standard deviation of the pixel values of each image separately. NaNs are ignored for each calculation. The values are calculated for either the full images or a circular subsection of the images. Returns ------- NoneType None """ pixscale = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PIXSCALE') nimages = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0] im_shape = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[1:] if self.m_position is None: indices = None else: if self.m_position[0] is None and self.m_position[1] is None: center = center_pixel(self.m_image_in_port[0, ]) self.m_position = (center[0], # y position center[1], # x position self.m_position[2]/pixscale) # radius (pix) else: self.m_position = (int(self.m_position[1]), # y position int(self.m_position[0]), # x position self.m_position[2]/pixscale) # radius (pix) rr_grid, _, _ = pixel_distance(im_shape, position=self.m_position[0:2]) rr_reshape = np.reshape(rr_grid, (rr_grid.shape[0]*rr_grid.shape[1])) indices = np.where(rr_reshape <= self.m_position[2])[0] self.apply_function_to_images(image_stat, self.m_image_in_port, self.m_stat_out_port, 'Calculating image statistics', func_args=(indices, )) history = f'number of images = {nimages}' self.m_stat_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_stat_out_port.add_history('ImageStatisticsModule', history) self.m_stat_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class FrameSimilarityModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for measuring the similarity between frames. """ __author__ = 'Benedikt Schmidhuber, Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_tag: str, method: str = 'MSE', mask_radius: Tuple[float, float] = (0., 5.), window_size: float = 0.1, temporal_median: str = 'full') -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. method : str Method for the similarity measure. There are three measures available: - `MSE` - Mean Squared Error - `PCC` - Pearson Correlation Coefficient - `SSIM` - Structural Similarity These measures compare each image to the temporal median of the image set. mask_radius : tuple(float, float) Inner and outer radius (arcsec) of the mask that is applied to the images. The inner radius is actually not used so can be set to zero. window_size : float Size (arcsec) of the sliding window that is used when the SSIM similarity is calculated. temporal_median : str Option to calculate the temporal median for each position ('full') or as a constant value ('constant') for the entire set. The latter is computationally less expensive. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_tag) if method not in ('MSE', 'PCC', 'SSIM'): raise ValueError(f'The chosen method \'{method}\' is not available. Please ensure ' f'that you have selected one of \'MSE\', \'PCC\', or \'SSIM\'.') if temporal_median not in ('full', 'constant'): raise ValueError(f'The chosen temporal_median \'{temporal_median}\' is not ' f'available. Please ensure that you have selected one of \'full\', ' f'\'constant\'.') self.m_method = method self.m_temporal_median = temporal_median self.m_mask_radii = mask_radius self.m_window_size = window_size @staticmethod @typechecked def _similarity(images: np.ndarray, reference_index: int, mode: str, window_size: int, temporal_median: Union[bool, np.ndarray] = False) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Internal function to compute the MSE as defined by Ruane et al. 2019. """ @typechecked def _temporal_median(reference_index: int, images: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Internal function to calculate the temporal median for all frames, except the one with the ``reference_index``. """ image_m = np.concatenate((images[:reference_index], images[reference_index+1:])) return np.median(image_m, axis=0) image_x_i = images[reference_index] if isinstance(temporal_median, bool): image_m = _temporal_median(reference_index, images=images) else: image_m = temporal_median if mode == 'MSE': return reference_index, mean_squared_error(image_x_i, image_m) if mode == 'PCC': # calculate the covariance matrix of the flattened images cov_mat = np.cov(image_x_i.flatten(), image_m.flatten(), ddof=1) # the variances are stored in the diagonal, therefore take the sqrt to obtain std std = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_mat)) # does not matter whether [0, 1] or [1, 0] as cov_mat is symmetric return reference_index, cov_mat[0, 1] / (std[0] * std[1]) if mode == 'SSIM': # winsize needs to be odd if int(window_size) % 2 == 0: winsize = int(window_size) + 1 else: winsize = int(window_size) # TODO Unclear what value to pass to data_range # Previously the argument was not requires data_range = np.amax(image_x_i)-np.amin(image_x_i) struc_sim = structural_similarity(im1=image_x_i, im2=image_m, win_size=winsize, data_range=data_range) return reference_index, struc_sim
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Computes the similarity between frames based on the Mean Squared Error (MSE), the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC), or the Structural Similarity (SSIM). The correlation values are stored as non-static attribute (``MSE``, ``PCC``, or ``SSIM``) to the input data. After running this module, the :class:`~pynpoint.processing.frameselection.SelectByAttributeModule` can be used to select the images with the highest correlation. Returns ------- NoneType None """ cpu = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('CPU') pixscale = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PIXSCALE') # get number of images nimages = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0] # convert arcsecs to pixels self.m_mask_radii = (math.floor(self.m_mask_radii[0] / pixscale), math.floor(self.m_mask_radii[1] / pixscale)) self.m_window_size = int(self.m_window_size / pixscale) # overlay the same mask over all images images = self.m_image_in_port.get_all() # close the port during the calculations self.m_image_out_port.close_port() # Change the radius to the image size images = crop_image(images, None, int(2.*self.m_mask_radii[1])) if self.m_temporal_median == 'constant': temporal_median = np.median(images, axis=0) else: temporal_median = False # compare images and store similarity similarities = np.zeros(nimages) pool = mp.Pool(cpu) async_results = [] for i in range(nimages): async_results.append(pool.apply_async(FrameSimilarityModule._similarity, args=(images, i, self.m_method, self.m_window_size, temporal_median))) pool.close() start_time = time.time() # wait for all processes to finish while mp.active_children(): # number of finished processes nfinished = sum([i.ready() for i in async_results]) progress(nfinished, nimages, 'Calculating image similarity...', start_time) # check if new processes have finished every 5 seconds time.sleep(5) if nfinished != nimages: print('\r ') print('\rCalculating image similarity... [DONE]') # get the results for every async_result object for async_result in async_results: reference, similarity = async_result.get() similarities[reference] = similarity pool.terminate() # reopen the port after the calculation self.m_image_out_port.open_port() self.m_image_out_port.add_attribute(f'{self.m_method}', similarities, static=False) self.m_image_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class SelectByAttributeModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for selecting frames based on attribute values. """ __author__ = 'Benedikt Schmidhuber, Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, selected_out_tag: str, removed_out_tag: str, attribute_tag: str, number_frames: int = 100, order: str = 'descending') -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. selected_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry to which the selected frames are written. removed_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry to which the removed frames are written. attribute_tag : str Name of the attribute which is used to sort and select the frames. number_frames : int Number of frames that are selected. order : str Order in which the frames are selected. Can be either 'descending' (will select the lowest attribute values) or 'ascending' (will select the highest attribute values). Returns ------- NoneType None Examples -------- The example below selects the first 100 frames with an ascending order of the ``INDEX`` values that are stored to the 'im_arr' dataset:: SelectByAttributeModule(name_in='frame_selection', image_in_tag='im_arr', attribute_tag='INDEX', selected_frames=100, order='ascending', selected_out_tag='im_arr_selected', removed_out_tag='im_arr_removed')) The example below selects the 200 frames with the largest ``SSIM`` values that are stored to the 'im_arr' dataset:: SelectByAttributeModule(name_in='frame_selection', image_in_tag='im_arr', attribute_tag='SSIM', selected_frames=200, order='descending', selected_out_tag='im_arr_selected', removed_out_tag='im_arr_removed')) """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_selected_out_port = self.add_output_port(selected_out_tag) self.m_removed_out_port = self.add_output_port(removed_out_tag) if order not in ('ascending', 'descending'): raise ValueError('The selected order is not available. The available options are ' '\'ascending\' or \'descending\'.') self.m_attribute_tag = attribute_tag self.m_number_frames = number_frames self.m_order = order
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Selects images according to a specified attribute tag and ordering, e.g. the highest 150 ``INDEX`` frames, or the lowest 50 ``PCC`` frames. The order of the selected images is determined by the `descending` or `ascending` attribute values. To sort the images again by their original order, the :class:`~pynpoint.processing.psfpreparation.SortParangModule` can be used. Returns ------- NoneType None """ nimages = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0] attribute = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute(f'{self.m_attribute_tag}') if nimages != attribute.size: raise ValueError(f'The attribute {{self.m_attribute_tag}} does not have the same ' f'length ({len(attribute)}) as the tag has images ({nimages}). ' f'Please check the attribute you have chosen for selection.') if self.m_order == 'descending': # sort attribute in descending order sorting_order = np.argsort(attribute)[::-1] else: # sort attribute in ascending order sorting_order = np.argsort(attribute) index_del = sorting_order[self.m_number_frames:] write_selected_data(memory=self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY'), indices=index_del, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port) write_selected_attributes(indices=index_del, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port, module_type='SelectByAttributeModule', history=f'selected tag = {self.m_attribute_tag}') self.m_image_in_port.close_port()
[docs]class ResidualSelectionModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for applying a frame selection on the residuals of the PSF subtraction. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, selected_out_tag: str, removed_out_tag: str, percentage: float = 10., annulus_radii: Tuple[float, float] = (0.1, 0.2)) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Tag of the database entry that is read as input. selected_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the selected images that are written as output. removed_out_tag : str Tag of the database entry with the removed images that are written as output. percentage : float The percentage of best frames that is selected. annulus_radii : tuple(float, float) Inner and outer radius of the annulus (arcsec). Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_selected_out_port = self.add_output_port(selected_out_tag) self.m_removed_out_port = self.add_output_port(removed_out_tag) self.m_percentage = percentage self.m_annulus_radii = annulus_radii
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Applies a frame selection on the derotated residuals from the PSF subtraction. The pixels within an annulus (e.g. at the separation of an expected planet) are selected and the standard deviation is calculated. The chosen percentage of images with the lowest standard deviation are stored as output. Returns ------- NoneType None """ pixscale = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PIXSCALE') nimages = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[0] npix = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[-1] rr_grid, _, _ = pixel_distance((npix, npix), position=None) pixel_select = np.where((rr_grid > self.m_annulus_radii[0]/pixscale) & (rr_grid < self.m_annulus_radii[1]/pixscale)) start_time = time.time() phot_annulus = np.zeros(nimages) for i in range(nimages): progress(i, nimages, 'Aperture photometry...', start_time) phot_annulus[i] = np.sum(np.abs(self.m_image_in_port[i][pixel_select])) print(f'Minimum, maximum = {np.amin(phot_annulus):.2f}, {np.amax(phot_annulus):.2f}') print(f'Mean, median = {np.nanmean(phot_annulus):.2f}, {np.nanmedian(phot_annulus):.2f}') print(f'Standard deviation = {np.nanstd(phot_annulus):.2f}') n_select = int(nimages*self.m_percentage/100.) index_del = np.argsort(phot_annulus)[n_select:] write_selected_data(memory=self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY'), indices=index_del, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port) write_selected_attributes(indices=index_del, image_in_port=self.m_image_in_port, selected_out_port=self.m_selected_out_port, removed_out_port=self.m_removed_out_port, module_type='ResidualSelectionModule', history=f'frames removed = {index_del.size}') self.m_image_in_port.close_port()