Source code for pynpoint.processing.pcabackground

Pipeline modules for PCA-based background subtraction.

import math
import time
import warnings

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.processing import ProcessingModule
from pynpoint.processing.psfpreparation import SortParangModule
from pynpoint.processing.resizing import CropImagesModule
from pynpoint.processing.stacksubset import CombineTagsModule
from pynpoint.util.module import memory_frames, progress
from import locate_star

[docs]class PCABackgroundPreparationModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for preparing the images for a PCA-based background subtraction. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker, Silvan Hunziker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, star_out_tag: str, subtracted_out_tag: str, background_out_tag: str, dither: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, None, Tuple[float, float]]], combine: str = 'mean') -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the pipeline module instance. image_in_tag : str Database tag with the images that are read as input. star_out_tag : str Database tag to store the images that contain the star. subtracted_out_tag : str Database tag to store the mean/median background subtracted images with the star. background_out_tag : str Database tag to store the images that contain only background emission. dither : tuple(int, int, int), tuple(int, None, tuple(float, float)) Tuple with the parameters for separating the star and background frames. The tuple should contain three values, ``(positions, cubes, first)``, with ``positions`` the number of unique dithering position, ``cubes`` the number of consecutive cubes per dithering position, and ``first`` the index value of the first cube which contains the star (Python indexing starts at zero). Sorting is based on the ``DITHER_X`` and ``DITHER_Y`` attributes when ``cubes`` is set to None. In that case, the ``first`` value should be a tuple with the ``DITHER_X`` and ``DITHER_Y`` values in which the star appears first. combine : str Method for combining the background images ('mean' or 'median'). Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_star_out_port = self.add_output_port(star_out_tag) self.m_subtracted_out_port = self.add_output_port(subtracted_out_tag) self.m_background_out_port = self.add_output_port(background_out_tag) if len(dither) != 3: raise ValueError('The \'dither\' argument should contain three values.') self.m_dither = dither self.m_combine = combine @typechecked def _prepare(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: nframes = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('NFRAMES') cube_mean = np.zeros((nframes.shape[0], self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[2], self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[1])) count = 0 for i, item in enumerate(nframes): if self.m_combine == 'mean': cube_mean[i, ] = np.mean(self.m_image_in_port[count:count+item, ], axis=0) elif self.m_combine == 'median': cube_mean[i, ] = np.median(self.m_image_in_port[count:count+item, ], axis=0) count += item if self.m_dither[1] is None: dither_x = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('DITHER_X') dither_y = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('DITHER_Y') star = np.logical_and(dither_x == self.m_dither[2][0], dither_y == self.m_dither[2][1]) bg_frames = np.invert(star) else: bg_frames = np.ones(nframes.shape[0], dtype=bool) for i in range(self.m_dither[2]*self.m_dither[1], np.size(nframes), self.m_dither[1]*self.m_dither[0]): bg_frames[i:i+self.m_dither[1]] = False return bg_frames, cube_mean @typechecked def _separate(self, bg_frames: np.ndarray, bg_indices: np.ndarray, parang: Optional[np.ndarray], cube_mean: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.array, Optional[np.ndarray], np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: @typechecked def _initialize() -> Tuple[np.array, Optional[np.ndarray], np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: background_nframes = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64) star_nframes = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64) background_index = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64) star_index = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64) if parang is None: background_parang = None star_parang = None else: background_parang = np.empty(0, dtype=np.float64) star_parang = np.empty(0, dtype=np.float64) return star_index, star_parang, star_nframes, background_index, \ background_parang, background_nframes @typechecked def _select_background(i: int) -> np.ndarray: # Previous background cube if np.size(bg_indices[bg_indices < i]) > 0: index_prev = np.amax(bg_indices[bg_indices < i]) bg_prev = cube_mean[index_prev, ] else: bg_prev = None # Next background cube if np.size(bg_indices[bg_indices > i]) > 0: index_next = np.amin(bg_indices[bg_indices > i]) bg_next = cube_mean[index_next, ] else: bg_next = None # Select background: previous, next, or mean of previous and next if bg_prev is None and bg_next is not None: background = bg_next elif bg_prev is not None and bg_next is None: background = bg_prev elif bg_prev is not None and bg_next is not None: background = (bg_prev+bg_next)/2. else: raise ValueError('Neither previous nor next background frames are found.') return background nframes = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('NFRAMES') index = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('INDEX') star_index, star_parang, star_nframes, background_index, background_parang, \ background_nframes = _initialize() # Separate star and background cubes. Subtract mean background. count = 0 start_time = time.time() for i, item in enumerate(nframes): progress(i, len(nframes), 'Preparing PCA background subtraction...', start_time) im_tmp = self.m_image_in_port[count:count+item, ] # Background frames if bg_frames[i]: self.m_background_out_port.append(im_tmp) background_nframes = np.append(background_nframes, nframes[i]) background_index = np.append(background_index, index[count:count+item]) if parang is not None: background_parang = np.append(background_parang, parang[count:count+item]) # Star frames else: background = _select_background(i) self.m_star_out_port.append(im_tmp) self.m_subtracted_out_port.append(im_tmp-background) star_nframes = np.append(star_nframes, nframes[i]) star_index = np.append(star_index, index[count:count+item]) if parang is not None: star_parang = np.append(star_parang, parang[count:count+item]) count += item return star_index, star_parang, star_nframes, background_index, \ background_parang, background_nframes
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Separates the star and background frames, subtracts the mean or median background from both the star and background frames, and writes the star and background frames separately to their respective output ports. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if 'PARANG' in self.m_image_in_port.get_all_non_static_attributes(): parang = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('PARANG') else: parang = None bg_frames, cube_mean = self._prepare() bg_indices = np.nonzero(bg_frames)[0] star_index, star_parang, star_nframes, background_index, background_parang, \ background_nframes = self._separate(bg_frames, bg_indices, parang, cube_mean) history = f'frames = {sum(star_nframes)}, {len(background_nframes)}' self.m_star_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_star_out_port.add_history('PCABackgroundPreparationModule', history) self.m_star_out_port.add_attribute('NFRAMES', star_nframes, static=False) self.m_star_out_port.add_attribute('INDEX', star_index, static=False) if parang is not None: self.m_star_out_port.add_attribute('PARANG', star_parang, static=False) self.m_subtracted_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_subtracted_out_port.add_history('PCABackgroundPreparationModule', history) self.m_subtracted_out_port.add_attribute('NFRAMES', star_nframes, static=False) self.m_subtracted_out_port.add_attribute('INDEX', star_index, static=False) if parang is not None: self.m_subtracted_out_port.add_attribute('PARANG', star_parang, static=False) self.m_background_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_image_in_port) self.m_background_out_port.add_history('PCABackgroundPreparationModule', history) self.m_background_out_port.add_attribute('NFRAMES', background_nframes, static=False) self.m_background_out_port.add_attribute('INDEX', background_index, static=False) if parang is not None: self.m_background_out_port.add_attribute('PARANG', background_parang, static=False) self.m_star_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class PCABackgroundSubtractionModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module applying a PCA-based background subtraction (see Hunziker et al. 2018). """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker, Silvan Hunziker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, star_in_tag: str, background_in_tag: str, residuals_out_tag: str, fit_out_tag: Optional[str] = None, mask_out_tag: Optional[str] = None, pca_number: int = 60, mask_star: float = 0.7, subframe: Optional[float] = None, gaussian: float = 0.15, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the pipeline module instance. star_in_tag : str Database tag with the input images that contain the star. background_in_tag : str Database tag with the input images that contain only background emission. residuals_out_tag : str Database tag to store the background-subtracted images of the star. fit_out_tag : str, None Database tag to store the modeled background images. The data is not stored if the arguments is set to None. mask_out_tag : str, None Database tag to store the mask. The data is not stored if the argument is set to None. pca_number : int Number of principal components that is used to model the background emission. mask_star : float Radius of the central mask (arcsec). gaussian : float Full width at half maximum (arcsec) of the Gaussian kernel that is used to smooth the image before the star is located. subframe : float, None Size (arcsec) of the subframe that is used to find the star. Cropping of the subframe is done around the center of the image. The full images is used if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in) if 'subtract_mean' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'subtract_mean\' parameter has been deprecated. Subtracting of ' 'the mean is no longer optional so subtract_mean=True.', DeprecationWarning) self.m_star_in_port = self.add_input_port(star_in_tag) self.m_background_in_port = self.add_input_port(background_in_tag) self.m_residuals_out_port = self.add_output_port(residuals_out_tag) if fit_out_tag is None: self.m_fit_out_port = None else: self.m_fit_out_port = self.add_output_port(fit_out_tag) if mask_out_tag is None: self.m_mask_out_port = None else: self.m_mask_out_port = self.add_output_port(mask_out_tag) self.m_pca_number = pca_number self.m_mask_star = mask_star self.m_gaussian = gaussian self.m_subframe = subframe
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Creates a PCA basis set of the background frames after subtracting the mean background frame from both the star and background frames, masks the PSF of the star, projects the star frames onto the principal components, and stores the residuals of the background subtracted images. Returns ------- NoneType None """ @typechecked def _create_mask(radius: float, position: np.ndarray, nimages: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Method for creating a circular mask at the star or planet position. """ npix = self.m_star_in_port.get_shape()[1] x_grid = np.arange(0, npix, 1) y_grid = np.arange(0, npix, 1) xx_grid, yy_grid = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) mask = np.ones((nimages, npix, npix)) cent_x = position[:, 1] cent_y = position[:, 0] for i in range(nimages): rr_grid = np.sqrt((xx_grid - cent_x[i])**2 + (yy_grid - cent_y[i])**2) mask[i, ][rr_grid < radius] = 0. return mask @typechecked def _create_basis(images: np.ndarray, pca_number: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Method for calculating the principal components for a stack of background images. Parameters ---------- images : np.ndarray Background images with the mean subtracted from all images. pca_number : int Number of principal components that is used to model the background emission. Returns ------- np.ndarray Principal components with the second and third dimension reshaped to ``images``. """ _, _, v_svd = svds(images.reshape(images.shape[0], images.shape[1]*images.shape[2]), k=pca_number) v_svd = v_svd[::-1, ] return v_svd.reshape(v_svd.shape[0], images.shape[1], images.shape[2]) @typechecked def _model_background(basis: np.ndarray, im_arr: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Method for creating a model of the background. """ @typechecked def _dot_product(x_dot: np.ndarray, *p: np.float64) -> np.ndarray: return, x_dot) fit_im_chi = np.zeros(im_arr.shape) # fit_coeff_chi = np.zeros((im_arr.shape[0], basis.shape[0])) basis_reshaped = basis.reshape(basis.shape[0], -1) for i in range(im_arr.shape[0]): basis_reshaped_masked = (basis*mask[i]).reshape(basis.shape[0], -1) data_to_fit = im_arr[i, ] init = np.ones(basis_reshaped_masked.shape[0]) fitted = curve_fit(_dot_product, basis_reshaped_masked, data_to_fit.reshape(-1), init) fit_im =[0], basis_reshaped) fit_im = fit_im.reshape(data_to_fit.shape[0], data_to_fit.shape[1]) fit_im_chi[i, ] = fit_im # fit_coeff_chi[i, ] = fitted[0] return fit_im_chi memory = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('MEMORY') pixscale = self.m_star_in_port.get_attribute('PIXSCALE') nimages = self.m_star_in_port.get_shape()[0] frames = memory_frames(memory, nimages) self.m_mask_star /= pixscale self.m_gaussian = int(math.ceil(self.m_gaussian/pixscale)) if self.m_subframe is not None: self.m_subframe /= pixscale self.m_subframe = int(math.ceil(self.m_subframe)) bg_mean = np.mean(self.m_background_in_port.get_all(), axis=0) star = np.zeros((nimages, 2)) for i, _ in enumerate(star): star[i, :] = locate_star(image=self.m_star_in_port[i, ] - bg_mean, center=None, width=self.m_subframe, fwhm=self.m_gaussian) print('Creating PCA basis set...', end='') basis_pca = _create_basis(self.m_background_in_port.get_all() - bg_mean, self.m_pca_number) print(' [DONE]') start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate(frames[:-1]): progress(i, len(frames[:-1]), 'Calculating background model...', start_time) # Subtract the mean background from the star frames im_star = self.m_star_in_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] - bg_mean mask = _create_mask(self.m_mask_star, star[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ], int(frames[i+1]-frames[i])) fit_im = _model_background(basis_pca, im_star*mask, mask) self.m_residuals_out_port.append(im_star-fit_im) if self.m_fit_out_port is not None: self.m_fit_out_port.append(fit_im) if self.m_mask_out_port is not None: self.m_mask_out_port.append(mask) history = f'PC number = {self.m_pca_number}' self.m_residuals_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_star_in_port) self.m_residuals_out_port.add_history('PCABackgroundSubtractionModule', history) self.m_residuals_out_port.add_attribute('STAR_POSITION', star, static=False) if self.m_fit_out_port is not None: self.m_fit_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_star_in_port) self.m_fit_out_port.add_history('PCABackgroundSubtractionModule', history) if self.m_mask_out_port is not None: self.m_mask_out_port.copy_attributes(self.m_star_in_port) self.m_mask_out_port.add_history('PCABackgroundSubtractionModule', history) self.m_residuals_out_port.close_port()
[docs]class DitheringBackgroundModule(ProcessingModule): """ Pipeline module for PCA-based background subtraction of dithering data. This is a wrapper that applies the processing modules for either a mean or the PCA-based background subtraction. """ __author__ = 'Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, image_in_tag: str, image_out_tag: str, center: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, cubes: Optional[int] = None, size: float = 2., gaussian: float = 0.15, subframe: Optional[float] = None, pca_number: Optional[int] = 5, mask_star: float = 0.7, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. image_in_tag : str Database tag with input images. image_out_tag : str Database tag to store the background subtracted images. center : list(tuple(int, int)), None Tuple with the centers of the dithering positions, e.g. ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)). The order of the coordinates should correspond to the order in which the star is present. If ``center`` and ``cubes`` are both set to None then sorting and subtracting of the background frames is based on ``DITHER_X`` and ``DITHER_Y``. If ``center`` is specified and ``cubes`` is set to None then the ``DITHER_X`` and ``DITHER_Y`` attributes will be used for sorting and subtracting of the background but not for selecting the dither positions. cubes : int, None Number of consecutive cubes per dither position. If ``cubes`` is set to None then sorting and subtracting of the background frames is based on ``DITHER_X`` and ``DITHER_Y``. size : float Cropped image size (arcsec). gaussian : float Full width at half maximum (arcsec) of the Gaussian kernel that is used to smooth the image before the star is located. subframe : float, None Size (arcsec) of the subframe that is used to search for the star. Cropping of the subframe is done around the center of the dithering position. The full image size (i.e. ``size``) will be used if set to None then. pca_number : int, None Number of principal components that is used to model the background emission. The PCA background subtraction is skipped if the argument is set to None. In that case, the mean background subtracted images are written toe ``image_out_tag``. mask_star : float Radius of the central mask (arcsec) that is used to exclude the star when fitting the principal components. The region behind the mask is included when subtracting the PCA background model. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if 'mask_planet' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'mask_planet\' parameter has been deprecated.', DeprecationWarning) if 'crop' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'crop\' parameter has been deprecated. The step to crop the ' 'images is no longer optional so crop=True.', DeprecationWarning) if 'prepare' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'prepare\' parameter has been deprecated. The preparation step ' 'is no longer optional so prepare=True.', DeprecationWarning) if 'pca_background' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'pca_background\' parameter has been deprecated. The PCA ' 'background is no longer optional when combine=\'pca\' so ' 'pca_background=True.', DeprecationWarning) if 'subtract_mean' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'subtract_mean\' parameter has been deprecated. Subtracting of ' 'the mean is no longer optional so subtract_mean=True.', DeprecationWarning) if 'combine' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The \'combine\' parameter has been deprecated. To write the mean ' 'background subtracted images to image_out_tag is done by setting ' 'pca_number=None.', DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(name_in) self.m_image_in_port = self.add_input_port(image_in_tag) self.m_image_out_port = self.add_output_port(image_out_tag) self.m_center = center self.m_cubes = cubes self.m_size = size self.m_gaussian = gaussian self.m_pca_number = pca_number self.m_mask_star = mask_star self.m_subframe = subframe self.m_image_in_tag = image_in_tag self.m_image_out_tag = image_out_tag @typechecked def _initialize(self) -> Tuple[int, np.ndarray]: if self.m_cubes is None: dither_x = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('DITHER_X') dither_y = self.m_image_in_port.get_attribute('DITHER_Y') dither_xy = np.zeros((dither_x.shape[0], 2)) dither_xy[:, 0] = dither_x dither_xy[:, 1] = dither_y _, index = np.unique(dither_xy, axis=0, return_index=True) dither = dither_xy[np.sort(index)] npix = self.m_image_in_port.get_shape()[1] # Compute center from dither and make sure all positions are actually Python integers if self.m_center is None: self.m_center = np.copy(dither) + float(npix) / 2. self.m_center = tuple(zip(map(int, self.m_center[:, 0]), map(int, self.m_center[:, 1]))) else: if np.size(dither, axis=0) != np.size(self.m_center, axis=0): raise ValueError('Number of specified center positions should be equal to the ' 'number of unique dithering positions.') n_dither = np.size(self.m_center, 0) if self.m_cubes is None: star_pos = np.copy(dither) else: star_pos = np.arange(0, n_dither, 1) return n_dither, star_pos
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Cuts out the detector sections at the different dither positions, prepares the PCA background subtraction, locates the star in each image, runs the PCA background subtraction, combines the output from the different dither positions is written to a single database tag. Returns ------- NoneType None """ @typechecked def _admin_start(count: int, n_dither: int, position: Tuple[int, int], star_pos: Union[np.ndarray, np.int64]) -> None: print(f'Processing dither position {count+1} out of {n_dither}...') print(f'Center position = {position}') if self.m_cubes is None and self.m_center is not None: print(f'DITHER_X, DITHER_Y = {tuple(star_pos)}') @typechecked def _admin_end(count: int) -> None: if self.m_pca_number is None: tags.append(f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_mean{count+1}') else: tags.append(f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_pca_res{count+1}') n_dither, star_pos = self._initialize() tags = [] for i, position in enumerate(self.m_center): _admin_start(i, n_dither, position, star_pos[i]) im_out_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_crop{i+1}' module = CropImagesModule(name_in=f'crop{i}', image_in_tag=self.m_image_in_tag, image_out_tag=im_out_tag, size=self.m_size, center=(int(math.ceil(position[0])), int(math.ceil(position[1])))) module.connect_database(self._m_data_base) module._m_output_ports[im_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[im_out_tag].del_all_attributes() if self.m_cubes is None: dither_val = (n_dither, self.m_cubes, tuple(star_pos[i])) else: dither_val = (n_dither, self.m_cubes, int(star_pos[i])) im_in_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_crop{i+1}' star_out_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_star{i+1}' sub_out_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_mean{i+1}' back_out_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_background{i+1}' module = PCABackgroundPreparationModule(name_in=f'prepare{i}', image_in_tag=im_in_tag, star_out_tag=star_out_tag, subtracted_out_tag=sub_out_tag, background_out_tag=back_out_tag, dither=dither_val, combine='mean') module.connect_database(self._m_data_base) module._m_output_ports[star_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[star_out_tag].del_all_attributes() module._m_output_ports[sub_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[sub_out_tag].del_all_attributes() module._m_output_ports[back_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[back_out_tag].del_all_attributes() if self.m_pca_number is not None: star_in_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_star{i+1}' back_in_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_background{i+1}' res_out_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_pca_res{i+1}' fit_out_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_pca_fit{i+1}' mask_out_tag = f'{self.m_image_in_tag}_dither_pca_mask{i+1}' module = PCABackgroundSubtractionModule(name_in=f'pca_background{i}', star_in_tag=star_in_tag, background_in_tag=back_in_tag, residuals_out_tag=res_out_tag, fit_out_tag=fit_out_tag, mask_out_tag=mask_out_tag, pca_number=self.m_pca_number, mask_star=self.m_mask_star, subframe=self.m_subframe, gaussian=self.m_gaussian) module.connect_database(self._m_data_base) module._m_output_ports[res_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[res_out_tag].del_all_attributes() module._m_output_ports[fit_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[fit_out_tag].del_all_attributes() module._m_output_ports[mask_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[mask_out_tag].del_all_attributes() _admin_end(i) module = CombineTagsModule(name_in='combine', check_attr=True, index_init=False, image_in_tags=tags, image_out_tag=self.m_image_in_tag+'_dither_combine') module.connect_database(self._m_data_base) module._m_output_ports[self.m_image_in_tag+'_dither_combine'].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[self.m_image_in_tag+'_dither_combine'].del_all_attributes() module = SortParangModule(name_in='sort', image_in_tag=self.m_image_in_tag+'_dither_combine', image_out_tag=self.m_image_out_tag) module.connect_database(self._m_data_base) module._m_output_ports[self.m_image_out_tag].del_all_data() module._m_output_ports[self.m_image_out_tag].del_all_attributes()