Source code for pynpoint.readwrite.fitswriting

Module for exporting a dataset from the HDF5 database to a FITS file.

import os
import warnings

from typing import Optional, Tuple

from import fits
from typeguard import typechecked

import numpy as np

from pynpoint.core.processing import WritingModule
from pynpoint.util.module import memory_frames

[docs]class FitsWritingModule(WritingModule): """ Module for writing a dataset from the central HDF5 database to a FITS file. The static attributes will be stored as header information. The dataset is selected from the database by its tag name. :class:`~pynpoint.readwrite.fitswriting.FitsWritingModule` is a :class:`~pynpoint.core.processing.WritingModule` and uses either the default output directory of a :class:`~pynpoint.core.pypeline.Pypeline` or a specified location to store the FITS data. """ __author__ = 'Markus Bonse, Tomas Stolker' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, data_tag: str, file_name: str, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, data_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, overwrite: bool = True, subset_size: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the module instance. data_tag : str Tag of the database entry that has to be exported to a FITS file. file_name : str Name of the FITS output file. Requires the FITS extension. output_dir : str, None Output directory where the FITS file will be stored. If no folder is specified the Pypeline default is chosen. data_range : tuple, None A two element tuple which specifies a begin and end frame of the export. This can be used to save a subsets of a large dataset. The whole dataset will be exported if set to None. overwrite : bool Overwrite an existing FITS file with an identical filename. subset_size : int, None Size of the subsets that are created when storing the data. This can be useful if the dataset contains a large number of images. An increasing index value is appended to the FITS file names. All images are written to a single FITS file if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in, output_dir=output_dir) if not file_name.endswith('.fits'): raise ValueError('Output \'file_name\' requires the FITS extension.') self.m_file_name = file_name self.m_data_port = self.add_input_port(data_tag) self.m_range = data_range self.m_overwrite = overwrite self.m_subset_size = subset_size
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the module. Creates a FITS file and stores the data and the corresponding static attributes. Returns ------- NoneType None """ out_name = os.path.join(self.m_output_location, self.m_file_name) print('Writing FITS file...', end='') if os.path.isfile(out_name) and not self.m_overwrite: warnings.warn('Filename already present. Use overwrite=True to overwrite an existing ' 'FITS file.') else: header = fits.Header() attributes = self.m_data_port.get_all_static_attributes() for attr in attributes: if len(attr) > 8: # Check if the header keyword together with its value is # too long for the FITS format. If that is the case, raise # a warning and truncate the value to avoid a ValueError. key = 'hierarch ' + attr value = str(attributes[attr]) max_val_len = 75 - len(key) if len(key + value) > 75: warnings.warn(f'Key \'{key}\' with value \'{value}\' is too long for ' f'the FITS format. To avoid an error, the value was ' f'truncated to \'{value[:max_val_len]}\'.') header[key] = value[:max_val_len] else: header[attr] = attributes[attr] if self.m_subset_size is None: if self.m_range is None: frames = [0, self.m_data_port.get_shape()[0]] else: frames = [self.m_range[0], self.m_range[1]] else: if self.m_range is None: nimages = self.m_data_port.get_shape()[0] frames = memory_frames(self.m_subset_size, nimages) else: nimages = self.m_range[1] - self.m_range[0] frames = memory_frames(self.m_subset_size, nimages) frames = np.asarray(frames) + self.m_range[0] for i, _ in enumerate(frames[:-1]): data_select = self.m_data_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] if len(frames) == 2: fits.writeto(out_name, data_select, header, overwrite=self.m_overwrite) else: filename = f'{out_name[:-5]}{i:03d}.fits' fits.writeto(filename, data_select, header, overwrite=self.m_overwrite) print(' [DONE]') self.m_data_port.close_port()