Source code for pynpoint.readwrite.nearreading

Module for reading FITS files obtained with VLT/VISIR for the NEAR experiment.

import os
import math
import time
import shlex
import subprocess
import threading
import warnings

from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple

import numpy as np

from import fits
from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.processing import ReadingModule
from pynpoint.util.attributes import set_static_attr, set_nonstatic_attr, set_extra_attr
from pynpoint.util.module import progress, memory_frames
from pynpoint.util.image import crop_image

[docs]class NearReadingModule(ReadingModule): """ Pipeline module for reading VLT/VISIR data of the NEAR experiment. The FITS files and required header information are read from the input directory and stored in two datasets, corresponding to chop A and chop B. The primary HDU of the FITS files should contain the main header information, while the subsequent HDUs contain each a single image (alternated for chop A and chop B) and some additional header information for that image. The last HDU is ignored as it contains the average of all images. """ __author__ = 'Jasper Jonker, Tomas Stolker, Anna Boehle' @typechecked def __init__(self, name_in: str, input_dir: Optional[str] = None, chopa_out_tag: str = 'chopa', chopb_out_tag: str = 'chopb', subtract: bool = False, crop: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int, float], Tuple[None, None, float]]] = None, combine: Optional[str] = None): """ Parameters ---------- name_in : str Unique name of the instance. input_dir : str, None Input directory where the FITS files are located. The default input folder of the Pypeline is used if set to None. chopa_out_tag : str Database entry where the chop A images will be stored. Should be different from ``chop_b_out_tag``. chopb_out_tag : str Database entry where the chop B images will be stored. Should be different from ``chop_a_out_tag``. subtract : bool If True, the other chop position is subtracted before saving out the chop A and chop B images. crop: tuple(int, int, float), None The pixel position (x, y) around which the chop A and chop B images are cropped and the new image size (arcsec), together provided as (pos_x, pos_y, size). The same size will be used for both image dimensions. It is recommended to crop the images around the approximate coronagraph position. No cropping is applied if set to None. combine: str, None Method ('mean' or 'median') for combining (separately) the chop A and chop B frames from each cube into a single frame. All frames are stored if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super().__init__(name_in, input_dir=input_dir) self.m_chopa_out_port = self.add_output_port(chopa_out_tag) self.m_chopb_out_port = self.add_output_port(chopb_out_tag) self.m_subtract = subtract self.m_crop = crop self.m_combine = combine @staticmethod @typechecked def _uncompress_file(filename: str) -> None: """ Internal function to uncompress a .Z file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Compressed .Z file. Returns ------- NoneType None """ try: # try running a subprocess with the 'uncompress' command command = 'uncompress ' + filename subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(command)) except(FileNotFoundError, OSError): # or else run a subprocess with the 'gunzip' command command = 'gunzip -d ' + filename subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(command))
[docs] @typechecked def uncompress(self) -> None: """ Method to check if the input directory contains compressed files ending with .fits.Z. If this is the case, the files will be uncompressed using multithreading. The number of threads can be set with the ``CPU`` parameter in the configuration file. Returns ------- NoneType None """ cpu = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('CPU') # list all files ending with .fits.Z in the input location files = [] for item in os.listdir(self.m_input_location): if item.endswith('.fits.Z'): files.append(os.path.join(self.m_input_location, item)) if files: # subdivide the file indices by number of CPU indices = memory_frames(cpu, len(files)) start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate(indices[:-1]): progress(i, len(indices[:-1]), 'Uncompressing NEAR data...', start_time) # select subset of compressed files subset = files[indices[i]:indices[i+1]] # create a list of threads to uncompress CPU number of files # each file is processed by a different thread threads = [] for filename in subset: thread = threading.Thread(target=self._uncompress_file, args=(filename, )) threads.append(thread) # start the threads for item in threads: item.start() # join the threads for item in threads: item.join()
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def check_header(header: fits.header.Header) -> None: """ Method to check the header information and prompt a warning if a value is not as expected. Parameters ---------- header : Header information from the FITS file that is read. Returns ------- NoneType None """ if str(header['ESO DET CHOP ST']) == 'F': warnings.warn('Dataset was obtained without chopping.') skipped = int(header['ESO DET CHOP CYCSKIP']) if skipped != 0: warnings.warn(f'Chop cycles ({skipped}) have been skipped.') if str(header['ESO DET CHOP CYCSUM']) == 'T': warnings.warn('FITS file contains averaged images.')
[docs] @typechecked def read_header(self, filename: str) -> Tuple[fits.header.Header, Tuple[int, int, int]]: """ Function that opens a FITS file and separates the chop A and chop B images. The primary HDU contains only a general header. The subsequent HDUs contain a single image with a small extra header. The last HDU is the average of all images, which will be ignored. Parameters ---------- filename : str Absolute path and filename of the FITS file. Returns ------- Primary header, which is valid for all images. tuple(int, int, int) Shape of a stack of images for chop A or B. """ # open the FITS file hdulist = # number of images = total number of HDUs - primary HDU - last HDU (average image) nimages = len(hdulist) - 2 # check if the file contains an even number of images, as expected with two chop positions if nimages % 2 != 0: warnings.warn(f'FITS file contains odd number of images: {filename}') # decreasing nimages to an even number such that nimages // 2 gives the correct size nimages -= 1 # primary header header = hdulist[0].header # number of chop cycles ncycles = header['ESO DET CHOP NCYCLES'] # number of chop cycles should be equal to half the number of available images if ncycles != nimages // 2: warnings.warn(f'The number of chop cycles ({ncycles}) is not equal to half the ' f'number of available HDU images ({nimages // 2}).') # header of the first image header_image = hdulist[1].header # create a list of key = value from the primary header fits_header = [] for key in header: if key: fits_header.append(str(key)+' = '+str(header[key])) # write the primary header information to the fits_header group header_out_port = self.add_output_port('fits_header/' + filename) header_out_port.set_all(np.array(fits_header)) # shape of the image stacks for chop A/B (hence nimages/2) im_shape = (nimages // 2, header_image['NAXIS2'], header_image['NAXIS1']) # set the NAXIS image shape in the primary header # required by util.attributes.set_nonstatic_attr header.set('NAXIS', 3) header.set('NAXIS1', im_shape[2]) header.set('NAXIS2', im_shape[1]) header.set('NAXIS3', im_shape[0]) # check primary header self.check_header(header) hdulist.close() return header, im_shape
[docs] @staticmethod @typechecked def read_images(filename: str, im_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Function that opens a FITS file and separates the chop A and chop B images. The primary HDU contains only a general header. The subsequent HDUs contain a single image with a small extra header. The last HDU is the average of all images, which will be ignored. Parameters ---------- filename : str Absolute path and filename of the FITS file. im_shape : tuple(int, int, int) Shape of a stack of images for chop A or B. Returns ------- numpy.array Array containing the images of chop A. numpy.array Array containing the images of chop B. """ # open the FITS file hdulist = # initialize the image arrays for chop A and B chopa = np.zeros(im_shape, dtype=np.float32) chopb = np.zeros(im_shape, dtype=np.float32) count_chopa, count_chopb = 0, 0 prev_cycle = None for i in range(2*im_shape[0]): # get the chop position (HCYCLE1 = chop A, HCYCLE2 = chop B) # primary HDU is skipped with +1 if 'ESO DET FRAM TYPE' in hdulist[i+1].header: cycle = hdulist[i+1].header['ESO DET FRAM TYPE'] else: hdulist.close() raise ValueError(f'Frame type not found in the FITS header. Image number: {i}.') # write the HDU image to the chop A or B array # count the number of chop A and B images if cycle == 'HCYCLE1' and cycle != prev_cycle: chopa[count_chopa, ] = hdulist[i+1].data.byteswap().newbyteorder() count_chopa += 1 prev_cycle = cycle elif cycle == 'HCYCLE2' and cycle != prev_cycle: chopb[count_chopb, ] = hdulist[i+1].data.byteswap().newbyteorder() count_chopb += 1 prev_cycle = cycle elif cycle == prev_cycle: warnings.warn(f'Previous and current chop position ({cycle}) are the same. ' 'Skipping the current image.') else: hdulist.close() raise ValueError(f'Frame type ({cycle}) not a valid value. Expecting HCYCLE1 or ' 'HCYCLE2 as value for ESO DET FRAM TYPE.') # check if the number of chop A and B images is equal, this error should never occur if count_chopa != count_chopb: warnings.warn('The number of images is not equal for chop A and chop B.') hdulist.close() return chopa, chopb
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run the module. The FITS files are collected from the input directory and uncompressed if needed. The images are then sorted by the two chop positions (chop A and chop B). The required FITS header keywords (which should be set in the configuration file) are also imported and stored as attributes to the two output datasets in the HDF5 database. Returns ------- NoneType None """ # clear the output ports self.m_chopa_out_port.del_all_data() self.m_chopa_out_port.del_all_attributes() self.m_chopb_out_port.del_all_data() self.m_chopb_out_port.del_all_attributes() # uncompress the FITS files if needed self.uncompress() # find and sort the FITS files files = [] for filename in os.listdir(self.m_input_location): if filename.endswith('.fits'): files.append(os.path.join(self.m_input_location, filename)) files.sort() # check if there are FITS files present in the input location assert files, f'No FITS files found in {self.m_input_location}.' # if cropping chop A, get pixscale and convert crop_size to pixels and swap x/y if self.m_crop is not None: pixscale = self._m_config_port.get_attribute('PIXSCALE') self.m_crop = (self.m_crop[1], self.m_crop[0], int(math.ceil(self.m_crop[2]/pixscale))) start_time = time.time() for i, filename in enumerate(files): progress(i, len(files), 'Preprocessing NEAR data...', start_time) # get the primary header data and the image shape header, im_shape = self.read_header(filename) # get the images of chop A and chop B chopa, chopb = self.read_images(filename, im_shape) if self.m_subtract: chopa = chopa - chopb chopb = -1. * np.copy(chopa) if self.m_crop is not None: chopa = crop_image(chopa, center=self.m_crop[0:2], size=self.m_crop[2], copy=False) chopb = crop_image(chopb, center=self.m_crop[0:2], size=self.m_crop[2], copy=False) if self.m_combine is not None: if self.m_combine == 'mean': chopa = np.mean(chopa, axis=0) chopb = np.mean(chopb, axis=0) elif self.m_combine == 'median': chopa = np.median(chopa, axis=0) chopb = np.median(chopb, axis=0) header[self._m_config_port.get_attribute('NFRAMES')] = 1 # append the images of chop A and B self.m_chopa_out_port.append(chopa, data_dim=3) self.m_chopb_out_port.append(chopb, data_dim=3) # starting value for the INDEX attribute first_index = 0 for port in (self.m_chopa_out_port, self.m_chopb_out_port): # set the static attributes set_static_attr(fits_file=filename, header=header, config_port=self._m_config_port, image_out_port=port, check=True) # set the non-static attributes set_nonstatic_attr(header=header, config_port=self._m_config_port, image_out_port=port, check=True) # set the remaining attributes set_extra_attr(fits_file=filename, nimages=im_shape[0]//2, config_port=self._m_config_port, image_out_port=port, first_index=first_index) # increase the first value of the INDEX attribute first_index += im_shape[0]//2 # flush the output port port.flush() # add history information self.m_chopa_out_port.add_history('NearReadingModule', 'Chop A') self.m_chopb_out_port.add_history('NearReadingModule', 'Chop B') # close all connections to the database self.m_chopa_out_port.close_port()