Source code for pynpoint.util.apply_func

Functions that are executed with
:func:`~pynpoint.core.processing.ProcessingModule.apply_function_to_images` and
:func:`~pynpoint.core.processing.ProcessingModule.apply_function_in_time`. The functions are placed
here such that they are pickable by the multiprocessing functionalities. The first two parameters
are always the sliced data and the index in the dataset.

TODO Docstrings are missing for most of the functions.

import copy
import math
import warnings

from typing import List, Optional, Union, Tuple

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pywt

from numba import jit
from photutils.aperture import Aperture, aperture_photometry
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from skimage.registration import phase_cross_correlation
from skimage.transform import rescale
from statsmodels.robust import mad
from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.dataio import InputPort, OutputPort
from pynpoint.util.image import center_pixel, crop_image, scale_image, shift_image
from import locate_star
from pynpoint.util.wavelets import WaveletAnalysisCapsule

[docs]@typechecked def image_scaling(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, scaling_y: float, scaling_x: float, scaling_flux: float) -> np.ndarray: return scaling_flux * scale_image(image_in, scaling_y, scaling_x)
[docs]@typechecked def subtract_line(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, mask: np.ndarray, combine: str, im_shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> np.ndarray: image_tmp = np.copy(image_in) image_tmp[mask == 0.] = np.nan if combine == 'mean': row_mean = np.nanmean(image_tmp, axis=1) col_mean = np.nanmean(image_tmp, axis=0) x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(col_mean, row_mean) subtract = (x_grid+y_grid)/2. elif combine == 'median': col_median = np.nanmedian(image_tmp, axis=0) col_2d = np.tile(col_median, (im_shape[1], 1)) image_tmp -= col_2d image_tmp[mask == 0.] = np.nan row_median = np.nanmedian(image_tmp, axis=1) row_2d = np.tile(row_median, (im_shape[0], 1)) row_2d = np.rot90(row_2d) # 90 deg rotation in clockwise direction subtract = col_2d + row_2d return image_in - subtract
[docs]@typechecked def align_image(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, interpolation: str, accuracy: float, resize: Optional[float], num_references: int, subframe: Optional[float], ref_images_reshape: np.ndarray, ref_images_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> np.ndarray: offset = np.array([0., 0.]) # Reshape the reference images back to their original 3D shape # The original shape can not be used directly because of util.module.update_arguments ref_images = ref_images_reshape.reshape(ref_images_shape) for i in range(num_references): if subframe is None: tmp_offset, _, _ = phase_cross_correlation(ref_images[i, :, :], image_in, normalization=None, upsample_factor=accuracy) else: sub_in = crop_image(image_in, None, subframe) sub_ref = crop_image(ref_images[i, :, :], None, subframe) tmp_offset, _, _ = phase_cross_correlation(sub_ref, sub_in, normalization=None, upsample_factor=accuracy) offset += tmp_offset offset /= float(num_references) if resize is not None: offset *= resize sum_before = np.sum(image_in) tmp_image = rescale(image_in, (resize, resize), order=5, mode='reflect', channel_axis=None, anti_aliasing=True) sum_after = np.sum(tmp_image) # Conserve flux because the rescale function normalizes all values to [0:1]. tmp_image = tmp_image*(sum_before/sum_after) else: tmp_image = image_in return shift_image(tmp_image, offset, interpolation)
[docs]@typechecked def fit_2d_function(image: np.ndarray, im_index: int, mask_radii: Tuple[float, float], sign: str, model: str, filter_size: Optional[float], guess: Union[Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float, float], Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]], mask_out_port: Optional[OutputPort], xx_grid: np.ndarray, yy_grid: np.ndarray, rr_ap: np.ndarray, pixscale: float) -> np.ndarray: @typechecked def gaussian_2d(grid: Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], x_center: float, y_center: float, fwhm_x: float, fwhm_y: float, amp: float, theta: float, offset: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to create a 2D elliptical Gaussian model. Parameters ---------- grid : tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray), np.ndarray A tuple of two 2D arrays with the mesh grid points in x and y direction, or an equivalent 3D numpy array with 2 elements along the first axis. x_center : float Offset of the model center along the x axis (pix). y_center : float Offset of the model center along the y axis (pix). fwhm_x : float Full width at half maximum along the x axis (pix). fwhm_y : float Full width at half maximum along the y axis (pix). amp : float Peak flux. theta : float Rotation angle in counterclockwise direction (rad). offset : float Flux offset. Returns ------- np.ndimage Raveled 2D elliptical Gaussian model. """ (xx_grid, yy_grid) = grid x_diff = xx_grid - x_center y_diff = yy_grid - y_center sigma_x = fwhm_x/math.sqrt(8.*math.log(2.)) sigma_y = fwhm_y/math.sqrt(8.*math.log(2.)) a_gauss = 0.5 * ((np.cos(theta)/sigma_x)**2 + (np.sin(theta)/sigma_y)**2) b_gauss = 0.5 * ((np.sin(2.*theta)/sigma_x**2) - (np.sin(2.*theta)/sigma_y**2)) c_gauss = 0.5 * ((np.sin(theta)/sigma_x)**2 + (np.cos(theta)/sigma_y)**2) gaussian = offset + amp*np.exp(-(a_gauss*x_diff**2 + b_gauss*x_diff*y_diff + c_gauss*y_diff**2)) return gaussian[(rr_ap > mask_radii[0]) & (rr_ap < mask_radii[1])] @typechecked def moffat_2d(grid: Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], x_center: float, y_center: float, fwhm_x: float, fwhm_y: float, amp: float, theta: float, offset: float, beta: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Function to create a 2D elliptical Moffat model. The parametrization used here is equivalent to the one in AsPyLib: Parameters ---------- grid : tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray), np.ndarray A tuple of two 2D arrays with the mesh grid points in x and y direction, or an equivalent 3D numpy array with 2 elements along the first axis. x_center : float Offset of the model center along the x axis (pix). y_center : float Offset of the model center along the y axis (pix). fwhm_x : float Full width at half maximum along the x axis (pix). fwhm_y : float Full width at half maximum along the y axis (pix). amp : float Peak flux. theta : float Rotation angle in counterclockwise direction (rad). offset : float Flux offset. beta : float Power index. Returns ------- np.ndimage Raveled 2D elliptical Moffat model. """ (xx_grid, yy_grid) = grid x_diff = xx_grid - x_center y_diff = yy_grid - y_center if 2.**(1./beta)-1. < 0.: alpha_x = np.nan alpha_y = np.nan else: alpha_x = 0.5*fwhm_x/np.sqrt(2.**(1./beta)-1.) alpha_y = 0.5*fwhm_y/np.sqrt(2.**(1./beta)-1.) if alpha_x == 0. or alpha_y == 0.: a_moffat = np.nan b_moffat = np.nan c_moffat = np.nan else: a_moffat = (np.cos(theta)/alpha_x)**2. + (np.sin(theta)/alpha_y)**2. b_moffat = (np.sin(theta)/alpha_x)**2. + (np.cos(theta)/alpha_y)**2. c_moffat = 2.*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(theta)*(1./alpha_x**2. - 1./alpha_y**2.) a_term = a_moffat*x_diff**2 b_term = b_moffat*y_diff**2 c_term = c_moffat*x_diff*y_diff moffat = offset + amp / (1.+a_term+b_term+c_term)**beta return moffat[(rr_ap > mask_radii[0]) & (rr_ap < mask_radii[1])] if filter_size: image = gaussian_filter(image, filter_size) if mask_out_port is not None: mask = np.copy(image) mask[(rr_ap < mask_radii[0]) | (rr_ap > mask_radii[1])] = 0. mask_out_port.append(mask, data_dim=3) if sign == 'negative': image = -1.*image + np.abs(np.min(-1.*image)) image = image[(rr_ap > mask_radii[0]) & (rr_ap < mask_radii[1])] if model == 'gaussian': model_func = gaussian_2d elif model == 'moffat': model_func = moffat_2d try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(model_func, (xx_grid, yy_grid), image, p0=guess, sigma=None, method='lm') perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) except RuntimeError: if model == 'gaussian': popt = np.zeros(7) perr = np.zeros(7) elif model == 'moffat': popt = np.zeros(8) perr = np.zeros(8) warnings.warn(f'Fit could not converge on image number {im_index}.') if model == 'gaussian': best_fit = np.asarray((popt[0], perr[0], popt[1], perr[1], popt[2]*pixscale, perr[2]*pixscale, popt[3]*pixscale, perr[3]*pixscale, popt[4], perr[4], math.degrees(popt[5]) % 360., math.degrees(perr[5]), popt[6], perr[6])) elif model == 'moffat': best_fit = np.asarray((popt[0], perr[0], popt[1], perr[1], popt[2]*pixscale, perr[2]*pixscale, popt[3]*pixscale, perr[3]*pixscale, popt[4], perr[4], math.degrees(popt[5]) % 360., math.degrees(perr[5]), popt[6], perr[6], popt[7], perr[7])) return best_fit
[docs]@typechecked def crop_around_star(image: np.ndarray, im_index: int, position: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int, float], Tuple[None, None, float]]], im_size: int, fwhm: int, pixscale: float, index_out_port: Optional[OutputPort], image_out_port: OutputPort) -> np.ndarray: if position is None: center = None width = None else: if position[0] is None and position[1] is None: center = None else: center = (position[1], position[0]) # (y, x) width = int(math.ceil(position[2]/pixscale)) starpos = locate_star(image, center, width, fwhm) try: im_crop = crop_image(image, tuple(starpos), im_size) except ValueError: warnings.warn(f'Chosen image size is too large to crop the image around the ' f'brightest pixel (image index = {im_index}, pixel [x, y] ' f'= [{starpos[0]}, {starpos[1]}]). Using the center of the ' f'image instead.') if index_out_port is not None: index_out_port.append([im_index], data_dim=1) starpos = center_pixel(image) im_crop = crop_image(image, tuple(starpos), im_size) return im_crop
[docs]@typechecked def crop_rotating_star(image: np.ndarray, im_index: int, position: Union[Tuple[float, float], np.ndarray], im_size: int, filter_size: Optional[int], search_size: int) -> np.ndarray: starpos = locate_star(image=image, center=tuple(position), width=search_size, fwhm=filter_size) return crop_image(image=image, center=tuple(starpos), size=im_size)
[docs]@typechecked def photometry(image: np.ndarray, im_index: int, aperture: Union[Aperture, List[Aperture]]) -> np.ndarray: # # In Photutils, pixel coordinates are zero-indexed, meaning that (x, y) = (0, 0) # corresponds to the center of the lowest, leftmost array element. This means that # the value of data[0, 0] is taken as the value over the range -0.5 < x <= 0.5, # -0.5 < y <= 0.5. Note that this is the same coordinate system as used by PynPoint. return np.array(aperture_photometry(image, aperture, method='exact')['aperture_sum'])
[docs]@typechecked def image_stat(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, indices: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: if indices is None: image_select = np.copy(image_in) else: image_reshape = np.reshape(image_in, (image_in.shape[0]*image_in.shape[1])) image_select = image_reshape[indices] nmin = np.nanmin(image_select) nmax = np.nanmax(image_select) nsum = np.nansum(image_select) mean = np.nanmean(image_select) median = np.nanmedian(image_select) std = np.nanstd(image_select) return np.asarray([nmin, nmax, nsum, mean, median, std])
[docs]@typechecked def subtract_psf(image: np.ndarray, im_index: int, parang_thres: Optional[float], nref: Optional[int], reference: Optional[np.ndarray], ang_diff: np.ndarray, image_in_port: InputPort) -> np.ndarray: if parang_thres: index_thres = np.where(ang_diff > parang_thres)[0] if index_thres.size == 0: reference = image_in_port.get_all() warnings.warn('No images meet the rotation threshold. Creating a reference ' 'PSF from the median of all images instead.') else: if nref: index_diff = np.abs(im_index - index_thres) index_near = np.argsort(index_diff)[:nref] index_sort = np.sort(index_thres[index_near]) reference = image_in_port[index_sort, :, :] else: reference = image_in_port[index_thres, :, :] reference = np.median(reference, axis=0) return image-reference
[docs]@typechecked def dwt_denoise_line_in_time(signal_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, threshold_function: bool, padding: str, wavelet_conf) -> np.ndarray: """ Definition of the temporal denoising for DWT. Parameters ---------- signal_in : np.ndarray 1D input signal. Returns ------- np.ndarray Multilevel 1D inverse discrete wavelet transform. """ if threshold_function: threshold_mode = 'soft' else: threshold_mode = 'hard' coef = pywt.wavedec(signal_in, wavelet=wavelet_conf.m_wavelet, level=None, mode=padding) sigma = mad(coef[-1]) threshold = sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(len(signal_in))) denoised = coef[:] denoised[1:] = (pywt.threshold(i, value=threshold, mode=threshold_mode) for i in denoised[1:]) return pywt.waverec(denoised, wavelet=wavelet_conf.m_wavelet, mode=padding)
[docs]@typechecked def cwt_denoise_line_in_time(signal_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, threshold_function: bool, padding: str, median_filter: bool, wavelet_conf) -> np.ndarray: """ Definition of temporal denoising for CWT. Parameters ---------- signal_in : np.ndarray 1D input signal. Returns ------- np.ndarray 1D output signal. """ cwt_capsule = WaveletAnalysisCapsule(signal_in=signal_in, padding=padding, wavelet_in=wavelet_conf.m_wavelet, order=wavelet_conf.m_wavelet_order, frequency_resolution=wavelet_conf.m_resolution) cwt_capsule.compute_cwt() cwt_capsule.denoise_spectrum(soft=threshold_function) if median_filter: cwt_capsule.median_filter() cwt_capsule.update_signal() return cwt_capsule.get_signal()
[docs]@typechecked def normalization(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int) -> np.ndarray: return image_in - np.median(image_in)
[docs]@typechecked def time_filter(timeline: np.ndarray, im_index: int, sigma: Tuple[float, float]) -> np.ndarray: median = np.median(timeline) std = np.std(timeline) index_lower = np.argwhere(timeline < median-sigma[0]*std) index_upper = np.argwhere(timeline > median+sigma[1]*std) if index_lower.size > 0: mask = np.ones(timeline.shape, dtype=bool) mask[index_lower] = False timeline[index_lower] = np.mean(timeline[mask]) if index_upper.size > 0: mask = np.ones(timeline.shape, dtype=bool) mask[index_upper] = False timeline[index_upper] = np.mean(timeline[mask]) return timeline
# This function cannot by @typechecked because of a compatibility issue with numba
[docs]@jit(cache=True, nopython=True) def calc_fast_convolution(F_roof_tmp: np.complex128, W: np.ndarray, tmp_s: tuple, N_size: float, tmp_G: np.ndarray, N: Tuple[int, ...]) -> np.ndarray: new = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex64) if ((tmp_s[0] == 0) and (tmp_s[1] == 0)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == N[0] / 2) and (tmp_s[1] == 0)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == 0) and (tmp_s[1] == N[1] / 2)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == N[0] / 2) and (tmp_s[1] == N[1] / 2)): for m in range(0, N[0], 1): for j in range(0, N[1], 1): new[m, j] = F_roof_tmp * W[m - tmp_s[0], j - tmp_s[1]] else: for m in range(0, N[0], 1): for j in range(0, N[1], 1): new[m, j] = (F_roof_tmp * W[m - tmp_s[0], j - tmp_s[1]] + np.conjugate(F_roof_tmp) * W[(m + tmp_s[0]) % N[0], (j + tmp_s[1]) % N[1]]) if ((tmp_s[0] == N[0] / 2) and (tmp_s[1] == 0)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == 0) and (tmp_s[1] == N[1] / 2)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == N[0] / 2) and (tmp_s[1] == N[1] / 2)): # causes problems, unknown why res = new / float(N_size) else: res = new / float(N_size) tmp_G = tmp_G - res return tmp_G
[docs]@typechecked def bad_pixel_interpolation(image_in: np.ndarray, bad_pixel_map: np.ndarray, iterations: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Internal function to interpolate bad pixels. Parameters ---------- image_in : np.ndarray Input image. bad_pixel_map : np.ndarray Bad pixel map. iterations : int Number of iterations. Returns ------- np.ndarray Image in which the bad pixels have been interpolated. """ image_in = image_in * bad_pixel_map # for names see ref paper g = copy.deepcopy(image_in) G = np.fft.fft2(g) w = copy.deepcopy(bad_pixel_map) W = np.fft.fft2(w) N = g.shape N_size = float(N[0] * N[1]) F_roof = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex) tmp_G = copy.deepcopy(G) iteration = 0 while iteration < iterations: # 1.) select line using max search and compute conjugate tmp_s = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(abs(tmp_G.real[:, 0: N[1] // 2])), (N[0], N[1] // 2)) tmp_s_conjugate = (np.mod(N[0] - tmp_s[0], N[0]), np.mod(N[1] - tmp_s[1], N[1])) # 2.) compute the new F_roof # special cases s = 0 or s = N/2 no conjugate line exists if ((tmp_s[0] == 0) and (tmp_s[1] == 0)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == N[0] / 2) and (tmp_s[1] == 0)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == 0) and (tmp_s[1] == N[1] / 2)) or \ ((tmp_s[0] == N[0] / 2) and (tmp_s[1] == N[1] / 2)): F_roof_tmp = N_size * tmp_G[tmp_s] / W[(0, 0)] # 3.) update F_roof F_roof[tmp_s] += F_roof_tmp # conjugate line exists else: a = (np.power(np.abs(W[(0, 0)]), 2)) b = np.power(np.abs(W[(2 * tmp_s[0]) % N[0], (2 * tmp_s[1]) % N[1]]), 2) if a == b: W[(2 * tmp_s[0]) % N[0], (2 * tmp_s[1]) % N[1]] += 0.00000000001 a = (np.power(np.abs(W[(0, 0)]), 2)) b = np.power(np.abs(W[(2 * tmp_s[0]) % N[0], (2 * tmp_s[1]) % N[1]]), 2.0) + 0.01 c = a - b F_roof_tmp = N_size * (tmp_G[tmp_s] * W[(0, 0)] - np.conj(tmp_G[tmp_s]) * W[(2 * tmp_s[0]) % N[0], (2 * tmp_s[1]) % N[1]]) / c # 3.) update F_roof F_roof[tmp_s] += F_roof_tmp F_roof[tmp_s_conjugate] += np.conjugate(F_roof_tmp) # 4.) calc the new error spectrum using fast numba function tmp_G = calc_fast_convolution(F_roof_tmp, W, tmp_s, N_size, tmp_G, N) iteration += 1 return image_in * bad_pixel_map + np.fft.ifft2(F_roof).real * (1 - bad_pixel_map)
[docs]@typechecked def image_interpolation(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, iterations: int, bad_pixel_map: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return bad_pixel_interpolation(image_in, bad_pixel_map, iterations)
[docs]@typechecked def replace_pixels(image: np.ndarray, im_index: int, index: np.ndarray, size: int, replace: str) -> np.ndarray: im_mask = np.copy(image) for _, item in enumerate(index): im_mask[item[0], item[1]] = np.nan for _, item in enumerate(index): im_tmp = im_mask[item[0]-size:item[0]+size+1, item[1]-size:item[1]+size+1] if np.size(np.where(im_tmp != np.nan)[0]) == 0: im_mask[item[0], item[1]] = image[item[0], item[1]] else: if replace == 'mean': im_mask[item[0], item[1]] = np.nanmean(im_tmp) elif replace == 'median': im_mask[item[0], item[1]] = np.nanmedian(im_tmp) elif replace == 'nan': im_mask[item[0], item[1]] = np.nan return im_mask
# This function cannot by @typechecked because of a compatibility issue with numba
[docs]@jit(cache=True, nopython=True) def sigma_filter(dev_image: np.ndarray, var_image: np.ndarray, mean_image: np.ndarray, source_image: np.ndarray, out_image: np.ndarray, bad_pixel_map: np.ndarray) -> None: for i in range(source_image.shape[0]): for j in range(source_image.shape[1]): if dev_image[i][j] < var_image[i][j]: out_image[i][j] = source_image[i][j] else: out_image[i][j] = mean_image[i][j] bad_pixel_map[i][j] = 0 return out_image, bad_pixel_map
[docs]@typechecked def bad_pixel_sigma_filter(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, box: int, sigma: float, iterate: int, map_out_port: Optional[OutputPort]) -> np.ndarray: # Algorithm adapted from # Initialize bad pixel map bad_pixel_map = np.ones(image_in.shape) while iterate > 0: # Source image source_image = copy.deepcopy(image_in) source_blur = cv2.blur(copy.deepcopy(source_image), (box, box)) # Mean image box2 = box * box mean_image = (source_blur * box2 - source_image) / (box2 - 1) # Squared deviation between mean and source image dev_image = (mean_image - source_image) ** 2 dev_blur = cv2.blur(copy.deepcopy(dev_image), (box, box)) # Compute variance by smoothing the image with the deviations from the mean fact = float(sigma ** 2) / (box2 - 2) var_image = fact * (dev_blur * box2 - dev_image) # Update image_in for the next iteration by setting out_image equal to image_in out_image = image_in # Apply the sigma filter out_image, bad_pixel_map = sigma_filter(dev_image, var_image, mean_image, source_image, out_image, bad_pixel_map) # Subtract 1 from the number of iterations iterate -= 1 if map_out_port is not None: # Write bad pixel map to the database when CPU = 1 map_out_port.append(bad_pixel_map, data_dim=3) return out_image
[docs]@typechecked def apply_shift(image_in: np.ndarray, im_index: int, shift: Union[Tuple[float, float], np.ndarray], interpolation: str) -> np.ndarray: return shift_image(image_in, shift, interpolation)