Source code for pynpoint.util.multiproc

Abstract interfaces for multiprocessing applications with the poison pill pattern.

import multiprocessing
from sys import platform

from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.dataio import InputPort, OutputPort

# On macOS, the spawn start method is the default since Python 3.8.
# The fork start method should be considered unsafe as it can lead
# to crashes of the subprocess according to the documentation.
if platform in ['darwin', 'linux']:

[docs]class TaskInput: """ Class for tasks that are processed by the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor`. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, input_data: Union[np.ndarray, np.integer, tuple], job_parameter: tuple) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- input_data : int, float, np.ndarray Input data for by the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor`. job_parameter : tuple Additional data or parameters. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.m_input_data = input_data self.m_job_parameter = job_parameter
[docs]class TaskResult: """ Class for results that can be stored by the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter`. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, data_array: np.ndarray, position: tuple) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- data_array : np.ndarray Array with the results for a given position. position : tuple(tuple(int, int, int), tuple(int, int, int), tuple(int, int, int)) The position where the results will be stored. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.m_data_array = data_array self.m_position = position
[docs]class TaskCreator(multiprocessing.Process, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract interface for :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskCreator` classes. A :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskCreator` creates instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskInput`, which will be processed by the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor`, and appends them to the central task queue. In general there is only one :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskCreator` running for a poison pill multiprocessing application. A :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskCreator` communicates with to the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter` in order to avoid simultaneously access to the central database. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, data_port_in: Optional[InputPort], tasks_queue_in: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue, data_mutex_in: Optional[multiprocessing.Lock], num_proc: int) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- data_port_in : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort, None An input port which links to the data that has to be processed. tasks_queue_in : multiprocessing.queues.JoinableQueue The central task queue. data_mutex_in : multiprocessing.synchronize.Lock, None A mutex shared with the writer to ensure that no read and write operations happen at the same time. num_proc : int Maximum number of instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor` that run simultaneously. Returns ------- NoneType None """ multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.m_data_in_port = data_port_in self.m_task_queue = tasks_queue_in self.m_data_mutex = data_mutex_in self.m_num_proc = num_proc
[docs] @typechecked def create_poison_pills(self) -> None: """ Creates poison pills for the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor` and :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter`. A process will shut down if it receives a poison pill as a new task. This method should be executed at the end of the :func:`` method. Returns ------- NoneType None """ for _ in range(self.m_num_proc-1): # poison pills self.m_task_queue.put(1) # final poison pill self.m_task_queue.put(None)
[docs] @abstractmethod @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Creates objects of the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskInput` until all tasks are placed in the task queue. Returns ------- NoneType None """
[docs]class TaskProcessor(multiprocessing.Process, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract interface for :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor` classes. The number of instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor` that run simultaneously in a poison pill multiprocessing application can be set with ``CPU`` parameter in the central configuration file. A :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor` takes tasks from a task queue, processes the task, and stores the results back into a result queue. The process will shut down if the next task is a poison pill. The order in which process finish is not fixed. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, tasks_queue_in: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue, result_queue_in: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- tasks_queue_in : multiprocessing.queues.JoinableQueue The input task queue with instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskInput`. result_queue_in : multiprocessing.queues.JoinableQueue The result task queue with instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskResult`. Returns ------- NoneType None """ multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.m_task_queue = tasks_queue_in self.m_result_queue = result_queue_in
[docs] @typechecked def check_poison_pill(self, next_task: Union[TaskInput, int, None]) -> bool: """ Function to check if the next task is a poison pill. Parameters ---------- next_task : int, None, pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskInput The next task. Returns ------- bool True if the next task is a poison pill, False otherwise. """ if next_task == 1: # poison pill poison_pill = True self.m_task_queue.task_done() elif next_task is None: # final poison pill poison_pill = True # shut down writer process self.m_result_queue.put(None) self.m_task_queue.task_done() else: # no poison pill poison_pill = False return poison_pill
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method to start the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor`. The run method will continue to process tasks from the input task queue until it receives a poison pill. Returns ------- NoneType None """ while True: next_task = self.m_task_queue.get() if self.check_poison_pill(next_task): break result = self.run_job(next_task) self.m_task_queue.task_done() self.m_result_queue.put(result)
[docs] @abstractmethod @typechecked def run_job(self, tmp_task: TaskInput) -> None: """ Abstract interface for the :func:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor.run_job` method which is called from the :func:`` method for each task individually. Parameters ---------- tmp_task : pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskInput Input task. Returns ------- NoneType None """
[docs]class TaskWriter(multiprocessing.Process): """ The :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter` receives results from the result queue, which have been computed by a :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor`, and stores the results in the central database. The position parameter of the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskResult` is used to slice the result to the correct position in the complete output dataset. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, result_queue_in: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue, data_out_port_in: Optional[OutputPort], data_mutex_in: multiprocessing.Lock) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- result_queue_in : multiprocessing.queues.JoinableQueue The result queue. data_out_port_in : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort, None The output port where the results will be stored. data_mutex_in : multiprocessing.synchronize.Lock A mutex that is shared with the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter` which ensures that read and write operations to the database do not occur simultaneously. Returns ------- NoneType None """ multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.m_result_queue = result_queue_in self.m_data_mutex = data_mutex_in self.m_data_out_port = data_out_port_in
[docs] @typechecked def check_poison_pill(self, next_result: Union[TaskResult, None]) -> int: """ Function to check if the next result is a poison pill. Parameters ---------- next_result : None, pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskResult The next result. Returns ------- int 0 -> no poison pill, 1 -> poison pill, 2 -> poison pill but still results in the queue (rare error case). """ if next_result is None: # check if there are results after the poison pill if self.m_result_queue.empty(): poison_pill = 1 # shut down the writer self.m_result_queue.task_done() else: poison_pill = 2 # put back the poison pill for the moment self.m_result_queue.put(None) self.m_result_queue.task_done() else: poison_pill = 0 return poison_pill
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method of the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter`. It is called once when it has to start storing the results until it receives a poison pill. Returns ------- NoneType None """ while True: next_result = self.m_result_queue.get() poison_pill_case = self.check_poison_pill(next_result) if poison_pill_case == 1: break if poison_pill_case == 2: continue with self.m_data_mutex: self.m_data_out_port._check_status_and_activate() self.m_data_out_port[to_slice(next_result.m_position)] = next_result.m_data_array self.m_data_out_port.close_port() self.m_result_queue.task_done()
[docs]class MultiprocessingCapsule(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract interface for multiprocessing capsules based on the poison pill pattern. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, image_in_port: Optional[InputPort], image_out_port: Optional[OutputPort], num_proc: int) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- image_in_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort, None Port to the input data. image_out_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort, None Port to the place where the output data will be stored. num_proc : int Number of task processors. Returns ------- NoneType None """ # buffer twice the data as processes are available self.m_tasks_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue(maxsize=num_proc) self.m_result_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue(maxsize=num_proc) self.m_num_proc = num_proc # database mutex self.m_data_mutex = multiprocessing.Lock() # create reader self.m_creator = self.init_creator(image_in_port) # create processors self.m_task_processors = self.create_processors() # create writer self.m_writer = self.create_writer(image_out_port)
[docs] @abstractmethod @typechecked def create_processors(self) -> None: """ Function that is called from the constructor to create a list of instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor`. Returns ------- NoneType None """
[docs] @abstractmethod @typechecked def init_creator(self, image_in_port: Optional[InputPort]) -> None: """ Function that is called from the constructor to create a :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskCreator`. Parameters ---------- image_in_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort, None Input port for the task creator. Returns ------- NoneType None """
[docs] @typechecked def create_writer(self, image_out_port: Optional[OutputPort]) -> TaskWriter: """ Function that is called from the constructor to create the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter`. Parameters ---------- image_out_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort, None Output port for the creator. Returns ------- pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter Task writer. """ return TaskWriter(self.m_result_queue, image_out_port, self.m_data_mutex)
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Run method that starts the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskCreator`, the instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskProcessor`, and the :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskWriter`. They will be shut down when all tasks have finished. Returns ------- NoneType None """ # start all processes self.m_creator.start() for processor in self.m_task_processors: processor.start() self.m_writer.start() # wait for all tasks to have finished self.m_tasks_queue.join() self.m_result_queue.join() # clean up the processes for processor in self.m_task_processors: processor.join() self.m_writer.join() self.m_creator.join()
[docs]@typechecked def apply_function(tmp_data: np.ndarray, data_index: int, func: Callable, func_args: Optional[tuple]) -> np.ndarray: """ Apply a function with optional arguments to the input data. Parameters ---------- tmp_data : np.ndarray Input data. data_index : int Index of the data subset. When processing a stack of images, the argument of ``data_index`` is the image index in the full stack. func : function Function. func_args : tuple, None Function arguments. Returns ------- np.ndarray The results of the function. """ if func_args is None: result = np.array(func(tmp_data, data_index)) else: result = np.array(func(tmp_data, data_index, *func_args)) return result
[docs]@typechecked def to_slice(tuple_slice: tuple) -> tuple: """ Function to convert tuples into slices for a multiprocessing queue. Parameters ---------- tuple_slice : tuple Tuple to be converted into a slice. Returns ------- tuple(slice, slice, slice) Tuple with three slices. """ slices = [] for item in tuple_slice: # slice(start, stop step) slices.append(slice(item[0], item[1], item[2])) return tuple(slices)