Source code for pynpoint.util.multistack

Utilities for multiprocessing of stacks of images.

import sys
import multiprocessing

from typing import Callable, List, Optional

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.dataio import InputPort, OutputPort
from pynpoint.util.module import update_arguments
from pynpoint.util.multiproc import TaskInput, TaskResult, TaskCreator, TaskProcessor, \
                                    MultiprocessingCapsule, apply_function

[docs]class StackReader(TaskCreator): """ Reader of task inputs for :class:`~pynpoint.util.multistack.StackProcessingCapsule`. Reads continuously stacks of images of a dataset and puts them into a task queue. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, data_port_in: InputPort, tasks_queue_in: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue, data_mutex_in: multiprocessing.Lock, num_proc: int, stack_size: int, result_shape: tuple) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- data_port_in : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort Input port. tasks_queue_in : multiprocessing.queues.JoinableQueue Tasks queue. data_mutex_in : multiprocessing.synchronize.Lock A mutex shared with the writer to ensure that no read and write operations happen at the same time. num_proc : int Number of processors. stack_size: int Number of images per stack. result_shape : tuple(int, ) Shape of the array with the output results (usually a stack of images). Returns ------- NoneType None """ super(StackReader, self).__init__(data_port_in, tasks_queue_in, data_mutex_in, num_proc) self.m_stack_size = stack_size self.m_result_shape = result_shape
[docs] @typechecked def run(self) -> None: """ Returns ------- NoneType None """ with self.m_data_mutex: self.m_data_in_port._check_status_and_activate() nimages = self.m_data_in_port.get_shape()[0] self.m_data_in_port.close_port() i = 0 while i < nimages: j = min((i + self.m_stack_size), nimages) # lock mutex and read data with self.m_data_mutex: self.m_data_in_port._check_status_and_activate() tmp_data = self.m_data_in_port[i:j, ] # read images from i to j self.m_data_in_port.close_port() # first dimension (start, stop, step) stack_slice = [(i, j, None)] # additional dimensions for _ in self.m_result_shape: stack_slice.append((None, None, None)) param = (self.m_result_shape, tuple(stack_slice)) self.m_task_queue.put(TaskInput(tmp_data, param)) i = j self.create_poison_pills()
[docs]class StackTaskProcessor(TaskProcessor): """ Processor of task inputs for :class:`~pynpoint.util.multistack.StackProcessingCapsule`. A processor applies a function on a stack of images. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, tasks_queue_in: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue, result_queue_in: multiprocessing.JoinableQueue, function: Callable, function_args: Optional[tuple], nimages: int) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- tasks_queue_in : multiprocessing.queues.JoinableQueue Tasks queue. result_queue_in : multiprocessing.queues.JoinableQueue Results queue. function : function Input function that is applied to the images. function_args : tuple, None Function arguments. nimages : int Total number of images. Returns ------- NoneType None """ super(StackTaskProcessor, self).__init__(tasks_queue_in, result_queue_in) self.m_function = function self.m_function_args = function_args self.m_nimages = nimages
[docs] @typechecked def run_job(self, tmp_task: TaskInput) -> TaskResult: """ Parameters ---------- tmp_task : pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskInput Task input with the subsets of images and the job parameters. Returns ------- pynpoint.util.multiproc.TaskResult Task result. """ result_nimages = tmp_task.m_input_data.shape[0] result_shape = tmp_task.m_job_parameter[0] # first dimension full_shape = [result_nimages] # additional dimensions for item in result_shape: full_shape.append(item) result_arr = np.zeros(full_shape) for i in range(result_nimages): # job parameter contains (result_shape, tuple(stack_slice)) index = tmp_task.m_job_parameter[1][0][0] + i args = update_arguments(index, self.m_nimages, self.m_function_args) result_arr[i, ] = apply_function(tmp_task.m_input_data[i, ], i, self.m_function, args) sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() return TaskResult(result_arr, tmp_task.m_job_parameter[1])
[docs]class StackProcessingCapsule(MultiprocessingCapsule): """ Capsule for parallel processing of stacks of images with the poison pill pattern. A function is applied in parallel to each stack of images. """ @typechecked def __init__(self, image_in_port: InputPort, image_out_port: OutputPort, num_proc: int, function: Callable, function_args: Optional[tuple], stack_size: int, result_shape: tuple, nimages: int) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- image_in_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort Input port. image_out_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort Output port. num_proc : int Number of processors. function : function Input function. function_args : tuple, None Function arguments. stack_size: int Number of images per stack. result_shape : tuple(int, ) Shape of the array with output results (usually a stack of images). nimages : int Total number of images. Returns ------- NoneType None """ self.m_function = function self.m_function_args = function_args self.m_stack_size = stack_size self.m_result_shape = result_shape self.m_nimages = nimages super(StackProcessingCapsule, self).__init__(image_in_port, image_out_port, num_proc)
[docs] @typechecked def create_processors(self) -> List[StackTaskProcessor]: """ Returns ------- list(pynpoint.util.multiproc.StackTaskProcessor, ) List with instances of :class:`~pynpoint.util.multiproc.StackTaskProcessor`. """ processors = [] for _ in range(self.m_num_proc): processors.append(StackTaskProcessor(tasks_queue_in=self.m_tasks_queue, result_queue_in=self.m_result_queue, function=self.m_function, function_args=self.m_function_args, nimages=self.m_nimages)) return processors
[docs] @typechecked def init_creator(self, image_in_port: InputPort) -> StackReader: """ Parameters ---------- image_in_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort Input port from where the subsets of images are read. Returns ------- pynpoint.util.multistack.StackReader Reader of stacks of images. """ return StackReader(data_port_in=image_in_port, tasks_queue_in=self.m_tasks_queue, data_mutex_in=self.m_data_mutex, num_proc=self.m_num_proc, stack_size=self.m_stack_size, result_shape=self.m_result_shape)