Source code for pynpoint.util.postproc

Functions for post-processing.

from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from pynpoint.util.psf import pca_psf_subtraction
from pynpoint.util.sdi import sdi_scaling

[docs]@typechecked def postprocessor(images: np.ndarray, angles: np.ndarray, scales: Optional[np.ndarray], pca_number: Union[int, Tuple[Union[int, np.int32, np.int64], Union[int, np.int32, np.int64]]], pca_sklearn: Optional[PCA] = None, im_shape: Union[None, tuple] = None, indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, processing_type: str = 'ADI'): """ Function to apply different kind of post processings. It is equivalent to :func:`~pynpoint.util.psf.pca_psf_subtraction` if ``processing_type='ADI'` and ``mask=None``. Parameters ---------- images : np.array Input images which should be reduced. angles : np.ndarray Derotation angles (deg). scales : np.array Scaling factors pca_number : tuple(int, int) Number of principal components used for the PSF subtraction. pca_sklearn : sklearn.decomposition.pca.PCA, None PCA object with the basis if not set to None. im_shape : tuple(int, int, int), None Original shape of the stack with images. Required if ``pca_sklearn`` is not set to None. indices : np.ndarray, None Non-masked image indices. All pixels are used if set to None. mask : np.ndarray Mask (2D). processing_type : str Post-processing type: - ADI: Angular differential imaging. - SDI: Spectral differential imaging. - SDI+ADI: Spectral and angular differential imaging. - ADI+SDI: Angular and spectral differential imaging. Returns ------- np.ndarray Residuals of the PSF subtraction. np.ndarray Derotated residuals of the PSF subtraction. """ if not isinstance(pca_number, tuple): pca_number = (pca_number, -1) if mask is None: mask = 1. res_raw = np.zeros(images.shape) res_rot = np.zeros(images.shape) if processing_type == 'ADI': if images.ndim == 2: res_raw, res_rot = pca_psf_subtraction(images=images*mask, angles=angles, scales=None, pca_number=pca_number[0], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) elif images.ndim == 4: for i in range(images.shape[0]): res_raw[i, ], res_rot[i, ] = pca_psf_subtraction(images=images[i, ]*mask, angles=angles, scales=None, pca_number=pca_number[0], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) elif processing_type == 'SDI': for i in range(images.shape[1]): im_scaled = sdi_scaling(images[:, i, :, :], scales) res_raw[:, i], res_rot[:, i] = pca_psf_subtraction(images=im_scaled*mask, angles=np.full(scales.size, angles[i]), scales=scales, pca_number=pca_number[0], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) elif processing_type == 'SDI+ADI': # SDI res_raw_int = np.zeros(res_raw.shape) for i in range(images.shape[1]): im_scaled = sdi_scaling(images[:, i], scales) res_raw_int[:, i], _ = pca_psf_subtraction(images=im_scaled*mask, angles=None, scales=scales, pca_number=pca_number[0], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) # ADI for i in range(images.shape[0]): res_raw[i], res_rot[i] = pca_psf_subtraction(images=res_raw_int[i]*mask, angles=angles, scales=None, pca_number=pca_number[1], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) elif processing_type == 'ADI+SDI': # ADI res_raw_int = np.zeros(res_raw.shape) for i in range(images.shape[0]): res_raw_int[i], _ = pca_psf_subtraction(images=images[i, ]*mask, angles=None, scales=None, pca_number=pca_number[0], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) # SDI for i in range(images.shape[1]): im_scaled = sdi_scaling(res_raw_int[:, i], scales) res_raw[:, i], res_rot[:, i] = pca_psf_subtraction(images=im_scaled*mask, angles=np.full(scales.size, angles[i]), scales=scales, pca_number=pca_number[1], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) elif processing_type == 'CODI': # flatten images from 4D to 3D ims = images.shape im_scaled_flat = np.zeros((ims[0]*ims[1], ims[2], ims[3])) scales_flat = np.zeros((ims[0]*ims[1])) angles_flat = np.zeros((ims[0]*ims[1])) for i in range(ims[1]): im_scaled_flat[i*ims[0]:(i+1)*ims[0]] = sdi_scaling(images[:, i], scales) scales_flat[i*ims[0]:(i+1)*ims[0]] = scales angles_flat[i*ims[0]:(i+1)*ims[0]] = angles[i] # codi res_raw_flat, res_rot_flat = pca_psf_subtraction(images=im_scaled_flat*mask, angles=angles_flat, scales=scales_flat, pca_number=pca_number[0], pca_sklearn=pca_sklearn, im_shape=im_shape, indices=indices) # inflate images from 3D to 4D for i in range(ims[1]): res_raw[:, i] = res_raw_flat[i*ims[0]:(i+1)*ims[0]] res_rot[:, i] = res_rot_flat[i*ims[0]:(i+1)*ims[0]] return res_raw, res_rot