Source code for pynpoint.util.remove

Functions to write selected data and attributes to the database.

import time

from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked

from pynpoint.core.dataio import InputPort, OutputPort
from pynpoint.util.module import progress, memory_frames

[docs]@typechecked def write_selected_data(memory: Union[int, np.int64], indices: np.ndarray, image_in_port: InputPort, selected_out_port: Optional[OutputPort], removed_out_port: Optional[OutputPort]) -> None: """ Function to write the selected and removed data. Parameters ---------- memory : int Number of images that is simultaneously loaded into the memory. indices : numpy.ndarray Image indices that will be removed. image_in_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort Port to the input images. selected_out_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort, None Port to store the selected images. No data is written if set to None. removed_out_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort, None Port to store the removed images. No data is written if set to None. Returns ------- NoneType None """ nimages = image_in_port.get_shape()[0] frames = memory_frames(memory, nimages) if memory == 0 or memory >= nimages: memory = nimages start_time = time.time() for i, _ in enumerate(frames[:-1]): progress(i, len(frames[:-1]), 'Writing selected data...', start_time) images = image_in_port[frames[i]:frames[i+1], ] subset_del = np.where(np.logical_and(indices >= frames[i], indices < frames[i+1]))[0] index_del = indices[subset_del] % memory index_sel = np.ones(images.shape[0], bool) index_sel[index_del] = False if selected_out_port is not None and index_sel.size > 0: selected_out_port.append(images[index_sel]) if removed_out_port is not None and index_del.size > 0: removed_out_port.append(images[index_del])
[docs]@typechecked def write_selected_attributes(indices: np.ndarray, image_in_port: InputPort, selected_out_port: Optional[OutputPort], removed_out_port: Optional[OutputPort], module_type: str, history: str) -> None: """ Function to write the attributes of the selected and removed data. Parameters ---------- indices : numpy.ndarray Image indices that will be removed. image_in_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.InputPort Port to the input data. selected_out_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort, None Port to store the attributes of the selected images. Not written if set to None. removed_out_port : pynpoint.core.dataio.OutputPort, None Port to store the attributes of the removed images. Not written if set to None. module_type : str history : str Returns ------- NoneType None """ if selected_out_port is not None: # First copy the existing attributes to the selected_out_port selected_out_port.copy_attributes(image_in_port) selected_out_port.add_history(module_type, history) if removed_out_port is not None: # First copy the existing attributes to the removed_out_port removed_out_port.copy_attributes(image_in_port) removed_out_port.add_history(module_type, history) non_static = image_in_port.get_all_non_static_attributes() index_sel = np.ones(image_in_port.get_shape()[0], bool) index_sel[indices] = False for i, attr_item in enumerate(non_static): values = image_in_port.get_attribute(attr_item) if values.shape[0] == image_in_port.get_shape()[0]: if selected_out_port is not None and index_sel.size > 0: selected_out_port.add_attribute(attr_item, values[index_sel], static=False) if removed_out_port is not None and indices.size > 0: removed_out_port.add_attribute(attr_item, values[indices], static=False) if 'NFRAMES' in non_static: nframes = image_in_port.get_attribute('NFRAMES') nframes_sel = np.zeros(nframes.shape, dtype=int) nframes_del = np.zeros(nframes.shape, dtype=int) for i, frames in enumerate(nframes): if indices.size == 0: nframes_sel[i] = frames nframes_del[i] = 0 else: sum_n = np.sum(nframes[:i]) index_del = np.where(np.logical_and(indices >= sum_n, indices < sum_n+frames))[0] nframes_sel[i] = frames - index_del.size nframes_del[i] = index_del.size if selected_out_port is not None: selected_out_port.add_attribute('NFRAMES', nframes_sel, static=False) if removed_out_port is not None: removed_out_port.add_attribute('NFRAMES', nframes_del, static=False)