Source code for pynpoint.util.residuals

Functions for combining the residuals of the PSF subtraction.

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from typeguard import typechecked
from scipy.ndimage import rotate

[docs]@typechecked def combine_residuals(method: str, res_rot: np.ndarray, residuals: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, angles: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Wavelength wrapper for the combine_residual function. Produces an array with either 1 or number of wavelengths sized array. Parameters ---------- method : str Method used for combining the residuals ('mean', 'median', 'weighted', or 'clipped'). res_rot : np.ndarray Derotated residuals of the PSF subtraction (3D). residuals : np.ndarray, None Non-derotated residuals of the PSF subtraction (3D). Only required for the noise-weighted residuals. angles : np.ndarray, None Derotation angles (deg). Only required for the noise-weighted residuals. Returns ------- np.ndarray Collapsed residuals (3D). """ if res_rot.ndim == 3: output = _residuals(method=method, res_rot=np.asarray(res_rot), residuals=residuals, angles=angles) if res_rot.ndim == 4: output = np.zeros((res_rot.shape[0], res_rot.shape[2], res_rot.shape[3])) for i in range(res_rot.shape[0]): if residuals is None: output[i, ] = _residuals(method=method, res_rot=res_rot[i, ], residuals=residuals, angles=angles)[0] else: output[i, ] = _residuals(method=method, res_rot=res_rot[i, ], residuals=residuals[i, ], angles=angles)[0] return output
@typechecked def _residuals(method: str, res_rot: np.ndarray, residuals: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, angles: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Function for combining the derotated residuals of the PSF subtraction. Parameters ---------- method : str Method used for combining the residuals ('mean', 'median', 'weighted', or 'clipped'). res_rot : np.ndarray Derotated residuals of the PSF subtraction (3D). residuals : np.ndarray, None Non-derotated residuals of the PSF subtraction (3D). Only required for the noise-weighted residuals. angles : np.ndarray, None Derotation angles (deg). Only required for the noise-weighted residuals. Returns ------- np.ndarray Combined residuals (3D). """ if method == 'mean': stack = np.mean(res_rot, axis=0) elif method == 'median': stack = np.median(res_rot, axis=0) elif method == 'weighted': tmp_res_var = np.var(residuals, axis=0) res_repeat = np.repeat(tmp_res_var[np.newaxis, :, :], repeats=residuals.shape[0], axis=0) res_var = np.zeros(res_repeat.shape) for j, angle in enumerate(angles): # scipy.ndimage.rotate rotates in clockwise direction for positive angles res_var[j, ] = rotate(input=res_repeat[j, ], angle=angle, reshape=False) weight1 = np.divide(res_rot, res_var, out=np.zeros_like(res_var), where=(np.abs(res_var) > 1e-100) & (res_var != np.nan)) weight2 = np.divide(1., res_var, out=np.zeros_like(res_var), where=(np.abs(res_var) > 1e-100) & (res_var != np.nan)) sum1 = np.sum(weight1, axis=0) sum2 = np.sum(weight2, axis=0) stack = np.divide(sum1, sum2, out=np.zeros_like(sum2), where=(np.abs(sum2) > 1e-100) & (sum2 != np.nan)) elif method == 'clipped': stack = np.zeros(res_rot.shape[-2:]) for i in range(stack.shape[0]): for j in range(stack.shape[1]): pix_line = res_rot[:, i, j] if np.var(pix_line) > 0.: no_mean = pix_line - np.mean(pix_line) part1 = no_mean.compress((no_mean < 3.*np.sqrt(np.var(no_mean))).flat) part2 = part1.compress((part1 > -3.*np.sqrt(np.var(no_mean))).flat) stack[i, j] = np.mean(pix_line) + np.mean(part2) return stack[np.newaxis, ...]